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n.1.See Acton.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Greyface PS90 Lower Cults, PS85 Awhirk & Eastside, PS84 Westend, PS83 Haithwaite, PS82 Flathill, PS81 High Aketon, PS80 Third.
Heifers: Limousin PS1200, PS1070, PS1015 (x2) Low Fauld, PS1075, PS1055, PS1055, PS1050 PS1030 Woodhall Farm, PS1060, PS1010 Flimby Hall, Blonde PS1165 High Aketon Charolais PS1150 PS1030 Riggfoot, PS1120, PS1035, PS1010 (x2) Spout Bank, British Blue PS1100 Fishergill, PS1100 Low Fauld, PS1090 Blackdyke, PS1045 Bankend, PS1000 High Aketon, Aberdeen Angus PS1000 Blackdyke Farm, Simmental PS1005 Bankend.
Leading prices: Steers: Limousin PS1320 Shield Green, PS1300, PS1290 (x7), PS1275 (x6) PS1250 (x2), PS1220, PS1200 Park View, PS1280 Fishergill, PS1210 Nether Stenries Farm, PS1180, PS1160 (3) Creca Hall, PS1160 Tarn Lodge Farm, Charolais PS1200, PS1125, PS1100, PS1080 Longrigg Thorn, PS1110 High Aketon, PS1090 (x2) Town Foot, British Blue PS1150, PS1100, PS1085 Hainings Farm,PS1150, PS1140 Creca Hall, PS1090 Carleton Hill Farm, Aberdeen Angus PS1145 Town Foot Farm, PS1100 Low Flow, PS1070 Fishergill Shorthorn PS955 (x2) Low House, Friesian PS760 Kelsick House, Simmental PS970 Town Foot Farm.
Charollais PS143 Bridgebank Texel PS135 Bridgebank PS129 PS115 Crummock Bank PS121 PS111 Limestone Cottage PS119 Westward Parks PS113 High Aketon Suffolk PS129 Crummock Bank Beltex PS117 PS103 Parkgate Hall PS105 Limestone Cottage Zwartble PS115 PS95(2) Mid Whinow Half-Bred PS107 Crummock Bank Mule PS89 Beech Tree PS87 Westward Parks PS81 High Aketon Cheviot PS81 Rosemount Swaledale PS53 Grange Farm RAMS Beltex PS87 High Aketon MARCH 24 STORE CATTLE Hope's Auction Co.
Suffolk PS103 PS90 New Hall Farm PS97 East End Farm PS83 Hill House PS79 Bridgebank Cheviot PS67 The Faulds Texel PS109 PS99 Newton Field PS105 The Fitz PS105 PS99 The Faulds PS105 PS91 Clea Hall PS99 New Hall Farm PS94 Downan Farm PS92 Bridge Bank Mule PS69 Manor Farm PS67 Hill House PS59 The Faulds Leicester PS77 Fellside House Farm Swaledale PS47 PS39 Clea Mire PS45 The Faulds PS40 PS34 Manor Farm Beltex PS91 The Faulds RAMS Texel PS113 Police Houses PS109 PS107 PS100 PS89 High Aketon PS105 Newtown Farm PS97 PS84 Hill House PS87 The Wreay Beltex PS101 Manor Farm PS85 Hill House PS82 New Hall Farm Ryeland PS54 High Aketon.
Texel PS97 PS95 Beck Farm PS95 Harley Croft PS95 High Hall PS93 Prior House PS91 Low Aketon Leicester PS87 Baggra Yeat Mule PS69 Clea Mire Lleyn PS63 Norman Farm Herdwick PS37 Greenhill PS35 West Farm RAMS Texel PS121 Mid Farm PS107 Broadness Millenium Bleu PS95 PS91 Chapel Farm Beltex PS93 Hillside PS91 Mid Farm
Averages: STEERS MW 208.50 (187.25) HW 214.50 (199.11) HEIFERS LW 212.50 (212.50) MW 215.50 (199.01) HW 232.50 (210.97) BULLS LW 200.50 (200.50) MW 202.50 (199.64) HW 198.50 (187.23) HEIFERS Limousin 232.5 212.5 Greenhill Farm 215.5 211.5 209.5 205.5 Kirkland Hall 209.5 High Aketon 208.5 207.5 Mechi British Blue 214.5 209.5 High Aketon Simmental 188.5 High Aketon STEERS Limousin 214.5 Greenhill Farm 208.5 Lords Close 208.5 High AketoN 194.5 Kirkland Guards Friesian 155.5 Parkgate Hall BULLS Limousin 202.5 200.5 198.5 195.5 193.5 Hill House British Blue 200.5 194.5 Hill House Blonde 198.5 Hill House Simmental 191.5 Ellen Bank LAMBS A bigger show forward as increases in trade encourage supply.
Texel PS109 New Grange PS107 Thistle Bottom PS101 Bothel Parks PS101 PS99 Haltcliffe Bridge PS97 Wellington Suffolk PS99 PS91 PS89 New Grange PS95 Wellington Beltex PS85 Lowfield House Cheviot PS73 PS69 High Knipe Mule PS65 High Moss PS65 Fell End PS63 Grange Farm PS63 Grassknop PS63 High Aketon PS61 New Grange PS61 Greystoke Castle Zwartble PS61 Low Blaithwaite Scotch Blackface PS61 Barkbeth Jacob PS53 Grassknop Swaledale PS49 Greystoke Castle PS43 PS39 Orthwaite Hall PS37 Paddigill PS37 Grange Farm PS36 The Faulds PS35 Belmont Herdwick PS40 Pasture House PS32 Orthwaite Hall PS32 Grange Farm PS30 Winscales West RAMS Beltex PS89 Inglewood Edge Leicester PS87 Manor Farm