Aethusa cynapium

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Related to Aethusa cynapium: atomic number 60
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Aethusa cynapium - European weed naturalized in America that resembles parsley but causes nausea and poisoning when eatenAethusa cynapium - European weed naturalized in America that resembles parsley but causes nausea and poisoning when eaten
Aethusa, genus Aethusa - fool's parsley
poisonous plant - a plant that when touched or ingested in sufficient quantity can be harmful or fatal to an organism
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References in periodicals archive ?
(* #) Aethusa cynapium L; Fool's Parsley; Roadside to edge of woods along Hunt and Salisbury Roads; Infrequent but locally abundant; C = 0; BSUH 13305.
p THE South West Lancs Ringing Group ringed 54 pullus barn owls in their area this year - not a bad total, but I don't think it's a recordp GARY Mc LARDY reports blooming fool's parsley (aethusa cynapium) and primrose in flower in Formby last week.