Additional Member System

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Additional Member System

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a system of voting in which people vote separately for the candidate and the party of their choice. Parties are allocated extra seats if the number of constituencies they win does not reflect their overall share of the vote. See also proportional representation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The National Assembly of Wales, of course, with its government of 29 Welsh Labour Party AMs, one Lib Dem, and one Independent - resulting from its proportional Additional Member System, balancing out the disproportionalities of 'First-Past-The-Post' with 20 'Additional Members'.
Exactly this process underpinned one of the deepest transformations of a democracy in the last half century, when New Zealand's voters decided over two referendums in 1992/93 to switch their voting system from Westminster-style first-past-the-post to the much more consensual Scottish-style additional member system or AMS.
The Additional Member System (AMS) is the system used to elect AMs to the Senedd.
The first Blair administration failed to note the danger, and instead of amending FPTP to a genuine democratic ranking preferential (AV) voting system, it began the process of putting in place undemocratic fabricated-todeceive voting systems such as the Mayor's Supplementary system and the Additional Member system for the Greater London and Welsh Assemblies and for the Scottish Parliament.
Ukip will put England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the same footing by instituting an English Parliament.It will sit in the chamber vacated by the House of Lords, have its own First Minister and its 375 members will be elected under the Additional Member system of proportional representation, one or more from each traditional county or large city and 125 top-up seats."
There is a system of electoral representation used in the UK that is at least a partial answer to the problem of the under-representation of minor parties in Parliament - the Additional Member System.
Italy has a complicated system; it also has a president and prime minister, and allows for an 'additional member system' (similar to our partylist), which requires 4 percent of the national vote to earn a seat in parliament.
HOW VOTING WORKS THE electoral system for the National Assembly for Wales is the additional member system, which is a type of proportional representation.
The additional member system, used in Scotland, Wales, and for the London Assembly is a hybrid of firstpast-the-post with a proportional representation top up.
The Mixed Member Proportional system which is also called Additional Member system would both remedy the disproportional effects of the current Indian system and preserve the constituency MP system to which the Indians are so attached.
The party are taking the bizarre route of saying 'Vote Labour, Get Wigley' on the basis that the head-spinning maths behind the Assembly's additional member system voting system means good results for Labour in constituency seats could boost the chances of the popular Wigley - second on Plaid's regional list - getting in.

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