Aby Warburg

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Related to Aby Warburg: Mnemosyne, Erwin Panofsky
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Noun1.Aby Warburg - German art historian (1866-1929)Aby Warburg - German art historian (1866-1929)  
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The venue, as declared by the editor Corinna Deppner, was specifically chosen in homage to Aby Warburg's ideas of alternate modes of knowledge production.
She was drawn particularly to the company of writers and intellectuals, among them the art historians Aby Warburg and Carl Einstein and the poet Richard Dehmel.
Dessa forma, pretende-se articular aqui um dialogo com as ideias de sobrevivencia das formas propostas por Aby Warburg (1866-1929), pois para ele interessava identificar elementos que permaneceram ou se modificaram ao longo dos tempos, assim como as semelhancas entre ritos distantes em diferentes espacos.
My interest in the intellectual tradition inspired by Aby Warburg and developed in the Library and Institute named after him (first in Hamburg, then in London) played an important role in the collection of essays we are talking about: Miedo, Reverencia, Terror.
Didi-Huberman e um leitor de Aby Warburg o qual dedica um livro sobre o pensamento e a montagem anacronica das imagens e do tempo (Para saber mais: A imagem Sobrevivente.