Absolute constant

(Math.) one whose value is absolutely the same under all circumstances, as the number 10, or any numeral.

See also: Constant

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Let A [??] B and A [??] B denote that there exists an absolute constant c >0 such that A [less than or equal to] cB and A [greater than or equal to] cB, respectively.
It then must follow that there is an absolute constant [C.sub.0] such that, when t [member of] [1, 2], we have
The patient returned to his normal lifestyle as well to his hobbies (which are hunting and car mechanics) and has an absolute Constant Score of 86 points for both shoulders.
Theorem 4 There is an absolute constant C such that for n > C, and 7 > C[n.sup.5], there is a randomized strongly polynomial time algorithm for approximating a 1 - C ([n.sup.5]/[gamma]) fraction of all [c.sup.v.sub.[lambda][mu]] corresponding to integer points in
Given [epsilon] > 0, there is an absolute constant C, which is independent of [epsilon], such that
Thus, it is natural to assume that [{C([[alpha].sub.n])}.sup.[infinity].sub.n=0] is bounded, that is an absolute constant C such that
where [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], is an absolute constant. So from (2.2), the theorem is proved.
Our intention is to prove as an intermediate result, that there exits an absolute constant [N.sub.0] [member of] N independent of x [member of] [c, d] such that for any n [greater than or equal to] [N.sub.0] and x [member of] [c, d] we have [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] where [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].
There exists an absolute constant c > 0 such that [zeta](s) [not equal to] 0 for [sigma] > 1 - c/log([absolute value of t]+2).
Then, there exists an absolute constant [alpha] such that for every x [member of] S there exists a point y on the half-line [[LAMBDA].sub.x] = [LAMBDA](0,x) = {[rho]x : [rho] [greater than or equal to]0}, which belongs to f(B), such that [absolute value of y] [greater than or equal to] 2[alpha].
More precisely, we show an infinite family of Klee-graphs with at most c [2.sup.n/17.285] perfect matchings, where c is some absolute constant.