Tespa ®


Whether you're here to compete, host events, or make friends, college is a game best played on co-op.

Join the movement.

Being a Tespa member has always been about belonging to something bigger – a movement to bring students together to play games, compete with friends, create the biggest gaming events, and discover even bigger gaming careers. Every member program or member benefit we build is designed to make your experience the best it can be.


Create your character.

Membership is free and open to all college students, be it part-time or full-time, community college or private. It’s part of our identity — we value students first and fostering inclusivity. 

To get started, all you need is your valid .edu or .ca email. If we don’t have your school, we’ll add it to our database within 3-5 days of your registration. After you've validated your enrollment, you can compete in tournaments, search for nearby chapters and events, and start claiming benefits through our progression system and Loot Drops program.

What does it mean to be a Tespa member?

What does it mean to be a Tespa member?

Being a Tespa member means being a part of our movement to reimagine college gaming as a force for good. Any enrolled student at any college campus in North America can register as a member for free.

Level up with member progression!

No adventure is complete without quests and achievements! When you participate in Tespa programs, you earn experience points and unlock digital rewards from our partners and publishers. As you work towards the annual level cap, you'll also unlock more loot points and earn portraits and borders that commemorate your achievements as a member.

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Earn rare items through Loot Drops!

Loot Drops are exclusive item giveaways for Tespa members! As you level up through member progression, you’ll get loot points that you can allocate for a chance to earn signed merchandise, high-end gaming peripherals, and more. 


Join a Tespa chapter to unlock more!

Our Tespa chapters are dedicated gaming communities that share our vision of creating a world where gaming is a force for good. When you join a Tespa chapter, the chapter's leadership team will be able to award you special digital benefits, like the Dalaran Flame card back, as a recruitment bonus! 

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We also send special loot and merchandise to our chapters for their events, so stop by for a chance to take home a prize.

Make the leap.

Make the leap.

There's no digital benefit that can compare to the experience of joining a community of like-minded student gamers. Join a chapter at your school, or learn how to start one.