
Letters: Has the Labour Party really shaken off its hostility to the countryside?

Plus: The Boris blight; taboos at Pitt Rivers Museum; Swiss standards; police cruelty; Dr Johnson’s cat; and Harold Wilson at sea

Sir Keir Starmer visiting a farm in Wiltshire
Sir Keir Starmer visiting a farm in Wiltshire Credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Archive

SIR – Listening to a recent episode of Farming Today on BBC Radio 4 confirmed my suspicion that Labour’s “change” since the days of Jeremy Corbyn is only skin-deep. 

First, the banning of trail hunting (Comment, June 15) will do nothing to improve the welfare of wildlife and a great deal to disrupt the enjoyment of a certain way of life. 

Secondly, the cessation of badger culling will ensure the return of tuberculosis in cattle. 

Thirdly, the party’s approach to divvying up land for development sounds like an attempt at nationalisation. 

I write as a farmer of 200 acres, but all landowners stand in the firing line. Ed Miliband would love to see our land covered in wind turbines and solar panels.

Such concerns might be dismissed as alarmist – but do we really want to find out?

Marian Waters
Pebworth, Warwickshire

SIR – If Labour is going to shake off its reputation as the party of envy and become the party of wealth creation, it might help if it didn’t interfere with wealth creators’ decisions on where to send their children to school. 

As long as it intends to slap VAT on private school fees, however, it will surely remain the party of envy.

David Rammell
Everton, Hampshire

SIR – Finally Sir Keir Starmer has revealed what was concealed in the phrase, “working people” (“Starmer suggests savers aren’t ‘working people’”,, June 18). What is the point of anyone in this country aspiring to succeed and generate wealth under Labour?

My son, for one, after completing his university studies in Europe, will not be looking to spend his working life in Britain �� one less taxpayer to support “working people”.

Roger Wilson
Charter Alley, Hampshire

SIR – I fear that Labour is planning more and nastier tax surprises than you report (“The 17 tax rises that Starmer is accused of secretly plotting”, June 15).

For instance, has anyone asked Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, whether she is considering imposing capital gains tax on unrealised gains at death (to be followed by the double whammy of any inheritance tax due) – or on (currently exempt) transfers between spouses? And although she says she won’t increase the income tax and National Insurance rates paid by “working people”, has anyone heard her say she won’t raise the rates on dividends (already paid post- corporation tax, remember) to those on wages – and won’t levy NI on dividends and pension payments? Or heard her rule out a Labour government reintroducing gift tax, levied at the same rate as IHT?

All food for thought.

Charles Mercey
Tellisford, Somerset

The Boris blight

SIR – Are the Tories trying to lose? First we had Rishi Sunak’s D-Day error; then his aide betting on the date of the general election; and now Boris Johnson writing to disaffected Tory voters (report, June 18). 

Have the strategists no idea how many thousands, if not millions, were put off the Conservative Party by Mr Johnson’s behaviour during lockdown? I doubt these people would consider voting Tory even if they received suitcases of booze like those brought into No 10. 

Stunts like this make it seem as if the Tories have a death wish.

Anthony Hirons
Lutterworth, Leicestershire 

SIR – I was going to vote for Reform UK, but changed my mind. 

The ragged appearance of one prospective candidate in his video persuaded me that he was not government material. 

I appreciated his shining honesty and love of the nation, but looking the part is important.

Angela Kilmartin
Witham, Essex

SIR – Conservative voters flirt with Nigel Farage (Letters, June 18) because he so often says what we are thinking. But we will vote Conservative on the day because we know that we must.

Sandy Lumby
Winchfield Hook, Hampshire

Pitt Rivers reasoning

SIR – The University of Oxford’s Pitt Rivers Museum has decided that some objects should be withdrawn from public view since Igbo culture forbids them from being seen by women (report, June 18). 

Our libraries and museums contain numerous medieval altar books and chalices, all of which, in traditional Catholicism, may only be handled by ordained clergy. On what basis does a museum decide that Catholic taboos can be ignored while Igbo ones must be observed?

David J Critchley

Swiss standards

SIR – On our last trip to Interlaken in the heart of the Bernese Oberland in Switzerland, we were surprised and delighted to see a bright red, immaculately restored, standard British telephone box (Letters, June 18) overlooking the town green.

Why is it that the Swiss look after such objects and the British fail to do so? Maybe the woeful state of our politics reflects a deeper malaise – in which case, a sharp wake-up call is needed.

John Withinshaw
Trearddur Bay, Anglesey

Harold Wilson at sea

SIR – On a family holiday to the Isles of Scilly in my early teens, we were taken one Easter Monday to St Martin’s by the local Methodist minister.

On the return journey we were joined by his long-standing friend, Harold Wilson (Letters, June 18), and members of his family and entourage.

Mr Wilson was in raconteur mode, and spoke of newly invented lettuce cigarettes. He said he’d tried them but wasn’t a fan: “They need some salad cream.”

He had two protection officers that day. One was a detective inspector, the other a detective sergeant, and they stood at the rear of the craft where seawater soaked them, testing who could endure longest. The detective inspector won.

Andrew C Pierce
Bickington, Devon

Police cruelty

SIR – On Friday a calf escaped its enclosure, but instead of requiring its owner to capture it or calling on a vet for assistance, the police chased it for hours (Letters, June 18). Frightened and exhausted, it was then deliberately struck by a police vehicle. 

How can the public trust the police when officers act with such cruelty? Now we must yet again ask questions about the recruitment of officers and how thoroughly applicants are vetted. 

Erica Miller
Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire 

SIR – Despite Roy Ramm’s endorsement of the officer’s actions (Letters, June 18), I doubt any future police manual would suggest mowing down an animal twice with a vehicle.
Mr Ramm calls it using “initiative”. I consider it the mistreatment of an animal. One can only imagine that the officer panicked unnecessarily. It’s right that an investigation is carried out, as these actions were extreme.

We want our police to be calm under pressure, rational and proportionate in their actions to protect the public. Anything less is unacceptable.

Sheila Powick
Crook, Co Durham

PoWs in Britain

SIR – There were still a lot of German prisoners of war in Britain in 1948 (Letters, June 17). 

We had an Italian, Luigi, living with us and working on the farm until late December 1945, when he was repatriated and replaced by a German, Hans. Hans was with us until March 1948. It can’t have been easy for him, a former bank clerk, working on a small, rather primitive farm, worrying about his wife and two small daughters in Germany. But he got on with things and many years later brought his family over to see us.

I wish I had kept the chess set he made. He taught me how to play, but I don’t think I posed much of a challenge.

E M Griffin
Colyton, Devon

Flash fiction 

SIR – Judy Davies’s letter (June 15) regarding Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim reminded me of reading Tom Sharpe’s Indecent Exposure while travelling by train through the Netherlands in 1980.

My laughter was met by stern disapproval from the woman sitting opposite when she saw the cartoon on the front cover.

Charles Taylor
Prestbury, Gloucestershire

Dr Johnson’s desk? The clue is in the claws

A very fine cat: a statue of the famous Hodge near Johnson's house in Gough Square
A very fine cat: a statue of the famous Hodge near Johnson's house in Gough Square Credit: PjrStatues / Alamy Stock Photo

SIR – You report (June 17) that Samuel Johnson’s desk may be a “knackered” fake. 

However, there is a readily available authenticity test – cat scratch marks.

Johnson was famously a cat lover. His most celebrated cat, Hodge, was just one in a succession of “fine” felines. Many of these would inevitably have scratched the great man’s desk, seeking attention and at the same time leaving clues for posterity.

Michael Setter
Bovey Tracey, Devon

Trapped for months in another NHS backlog

SIR – Much has been written about delayed appointments, scans and operations in the NHS (Letters, June 15). I can add another service failure to the list. 

On August 25 last year I attended the audiology unit at the Royal United Hospital in Bath for a hearing assessment. As a result, mouldings were taken for new hearing aids.

Here I am nearly 10 months later, still waiting for those new aids. The manufacture should take a matter of hours, so the delay is the result of a monumental backlog. 

What efforts have been made to identify other suppliers to help reduce this awful lead time?

John Chillington
Wells, Somerset

SIR – I visited my GP recently and asked the doctor, who is nearing the end of her training, where she would practice once qualified. She replied that she could be unemployed as a result of the NHS funding structure. 

Last week, NHS England’s national director for primary care and community services, Dr Amanda Doyle, admitted that the jobs newly qualified GPs would want “are not there”. A possible cause is the NHS’s introduction of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, which ring-fences spending in various disciplines. The shortage of GPs is a national disgrace, yet once again we see NHS administrators dreaming up unnecessary schemes. 

Why do we tolerate a service that, no matter how much funding it receives, continues to deteriorate? Our politicians must admit that the NHS is broken and needs urgent surgery.

Phil Taylor
Tarporley, Cheshire

SIR – Last week, having a suspected chest infection and not wishing to send my blood pressure into orbit by phoning the surgery at 8am, I tried the online form. That was at 7am. I received a call back at 9am; saw the advanced nurse practitioner at 11am; and was back home, with antibiotics and my daily shopping, by noon. 

No complaints from this quarter.

Tom Stubbs
Surbiton, Surrey

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