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Without Start8 Without Start8
Without Start8
With Start8 With Start8
With Start8
  • Add the Windows 8 menu to the Start menu.
  • Apply an enhanced Windows 7-styled Start menu
  • Pin Modern applications to the Windows 8 Start menu
  • Boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop


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Start8 Clean Theme
Start8 Shadow Theme
Start8 Rounded Windows 7 Theme
Windows 8 "Small" Style
Windows 8 "Wide" Style
Customize Appearance
Common Shortcuts
Control Hotkeys
Configuration Settings
Start8 Demo Video

The critics agree, Start8 is the best Windows 8 Start menu solution!

PCWorld USA Today Forbes CBS News Wall Street Journal

Parallels chose to distribute Start8 and ModernMix with every copy of Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac. Learn more.

  • Forbes - Start8 review.
  • USA Today - Start8 review.
  • CBS News - Start8 review.
  • Lifehacker - Start8 review.

Bring back the familiar Start menu today

Get it Now

Running Windows 10 or 11? Check out Start11.

System Requirements

  • Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012/R2