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Boost operational performance with AI-driven business insights

Harness the power of AI and machine-learning with Insight Tech Services. It’ll unlock new real-time insights for your business to supercharge your betting operations.

Offer bespoke odds based on your liabilities using Alpha Odds. Create personalised bet acceptance delays with Live Time Delay Offset. Improve risk management with Automated Player Profiling.

Whatever your goals, our pioneering technology will maximise your performance.

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Six reasons why Insight Tech Services models and algorithms are unique

The power of combined AI models

Each individual model provides bookmakers with undisputable advantages – whether within trading and risk management or marketing and CRM departments. But, only the interaction between different models allows the full potential of AI technology to be unleashed. All our models feed in important correlating information, which, if evaluated and interpreted in combination generate higher uplifts for your operations.

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Trading and risk management models

Maximise your operational performance

Insigh Tech models give you insights on how to strengthen your odds and better understand your end users, as well as where there are potential integrity threats or quality issues in the sports data.

Alpha Odds: Become a market maker with individual enhanced and bespoke pre-match and live odds, based on your liabilities and market information.

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Live Time Delay Offset: Decide whether to apply, skip or increase the default live betting delay for ticket requests with real-time automatic recommendations. Bettors get a better, more personalised experience, while you reduce risks and improve profits.

Automated Player Profiling: Capable of profiling millions of active accounts a day, the model automatically generates reliable and granular risk profiles for your customers, based on their betting behaviour. No more labour-intensive manual profiling. You still have complete control – traders can intervene and adapt profiles whenever they need to.

Tournament & Event Rating Suggestions: Automated real-time adjustment recommendations on liability limits for tournaments and events, based on the latest event or market information. Improve profit and loss by accepting more bets. Or save money by restricting bets on particular tournaments and events.

Late Bet Score: Increase business security and reduce losses by automatically identifying late-bet abusers. Late Bet Score grades players on their betting activity and tells you if they’re likely to take advantage of any data latency inconsistencies.

Integrity Detection: Identify events with potential integrity issues and stop taking bets on them. Based on the latest information from our Universal Fraud Detection System.

These models represent only a selection. For a full overview of all available models, please contact us.

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Marketing models

Make the most of your players’ lifetime value

Boost your return-on-marketing investments with accurate predictions about your players’ future behaviour. And get recommendations on the best ways to interact with them.

Player Prediction and Retention

Make your marketing even more effective with fast, accurate and valuable predictions about your current and future customer base.

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Sports Recommendation and Player Personalisation

Always know the best way to approach your customers, and create highly personalised betting journeys. Keep them close to increase turnover and profits.

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How does it work?

Our models and algorithms come as one simple API integration. Use them individually or combine them to upgrade and enhance your trading and risk management , as well as your marketing operations.

Easy to integrate: Delivered by an API feed, you have complete control over how you integrate the feed into your ecosystem.

Flexibility built in: Activate or deactivate any model, whenever you want. And you automatically get new models when we release them.

Control over application: You decide how you want to use the models – whether that’s with your proprietary tools, in-house technology or trading teams.

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