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Performance Implications of Mobile Design

Guy Podjarny
                                          Akamai Confidential
Good Morning!

                Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

• Performance Matters!
• Focus on top Mobile Design Paradigms
 • A bit on Dedicates Sites (mdot)
 • A lot on Responsive Web Design
• Review Performance each Paradigm
 • Dig into the top performance problem
 • Show what went wrong
 • Discuss how you can fix it
• Share tools that can help
 • And how to use them
• Summary
                               Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Who Am I #1: Ex-CTO of (now Akamai)

                           Faster ForwardTM    ©2012 Akamai
Who Am I #2: Blaze Mobitest

• Mobile Web Performance Measurement
 • Free Online Service:
• Now Open-Source!
 • For more details:

                                   Faster ForwardTM       ©2012 Akamai
Who Am I #3: Mobile Performance Researcher

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai


       Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Dedicated Sites (mdot)

             URL/Website Per Device Profile                     

                          Faster ForwardTM                     ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Web Design

          One URL, Adapt to screen size

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Mobile First & Desktop First included in RWD

                             Mobile First
                     (Progressive Enhancement)

    Desktop First
(Graceful Degradation)

                          Faster ForwardTM     ©2012 Akamai
Waterfall Charts
                             Resource             Doc Complete,
   Waterfall                 (Request/Response)   (a.k.a. onload,
   Chart           Start Render                   Load Time)

                            Faster ForwardTM              ©2012 Akamai
Please don‟t hate me…

• I use real world examples
 • Possibly written by you…
• Constructive feedback != bashing
 • These are common mistakes
 • We should learn from them
• I tried to spread the blame
 • Plenty of sites to choose from…
• If you fix it, let me know!
 • I‟ll spread the word

                                     Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Performance Matters!

                       Akamai Confidential
Users Expect Fast Sites


                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Users Abandon Slow Sites
               Page Abandonment vs. Load Time

                                                KISS Metrics

                           Faster ForwardTM      ©2012 Akamai
Fast Sites Help Bottom Lines
              Shopzilla: 5 sec load time improvement


                               Faster ForwardTM        ©2012 Akamai
Mobile Users Expect Equal Speeds

                                              Source: Gomez
                           Faster ForwardTM       ©2012 Akamai
Dedicated Sites (mdot)

                         Akamai Confidential

   Dedicated Sites don‟t
 create new performance
              Still have old problems,
       but that‟s not related to mobile design

                       Faster ForwardTM          ©2012 Akamai
Small Mobile Site, Small Waterfall Chart , iPhone 4, iOS 5.0

                                  Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Big Desktop/Tablet Site, Big Waterfall Chart

                  iPad 2
                   iOS 5

                              Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Dedicated Sites Top Performance Problem



                         Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Redirects are expensive!
2 redirects, 1.3 seconds lost

                            Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Late Redirect using scripts are even slower
2 redirects + JS Redirect, 3 seconds lost

                             Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Could get nasty
3 redirects + JS Redirect, 3.6 seconds lost

                           Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Redirects – What To Do?

• Minimize Redirects
 • Merge redirect chains
• Use HTTP Redirects, not JS redirects
 • Keep the client-side detection as backup
 • Detect most devices server-side
• Cache HTTP Redirects on the CDN
 • Makes the extra round trip shorter
• Use HTTP 301 Redirect, with a future Expiry
 • 302/303/307 redirects are not cached by the browser
 • Good test page (by @souders):

                             Faster ForwardTM                ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Web Design

                        Akamai Confidential
Responsive Web Design

 Responsive Web Design
    Top Performance

                        Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Test – Compare Sites on Different Resolutions

• Data:
 • 347 Sites from
• Testing Methodology:
 • Use
 • Use Chrome browser
 • Resize window before each measurement
  •Resolutions: 320x480, 480x960, 1024x768, 1600x1200
 • Saw similar results with iPhone vs. iPad tests
• Collect Results
 • Excel & Pivot Tables
(Automated version of Jason Grigsby‟s test last year)
                                  Faster ForwardTM      ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Sites Load Times & Size, by Resolution

    Load Time* by Resolution (ms)
                                                        Page Size by Resolution (KB)

* Over Cable Speed
(5 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up, 28ms RTT)

                                     Faster ForwardTM                           ©2012 Akamai
Small Screen = Less Visible Content != Less Bytes

         320x48                              1600x120
         0                                   0

                          Faster ForwardTM              ©2012 Akamai
Some depressing stats…
Page Size                                                  10 Got Lucky
 320x480                              A Bit Smaller            (BG
                                          11%              Image, Fonts,
    vs                                                          …)

          Same Size

                                                           1 Responsive
A bit smaller = 50%-90% the size
Much smaller = <50% the size
                              Faster ForwardTM                             ©2012 Akamai
Big Site, Big Waterfall

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Small Site, Big Waterfall


                            Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Download and Hide

Rich Side-bar,
holds ads and more

                                         Display set to none

                      Faster ForwardTM                 ©2012 Akamai
Hidden content is still downloaded

                                              Display set to none,
                                              resources are still

                           Faster ForwardTM                   ©2012 Akamai
Download and Shrink

        Smaller Screen,
        Same Size Image

                      Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Media queries don‟t prevent CSS downloads

                                                        Separate CSS
                                                        per media

                                           mobile.css        320x480
“Right” CSS loaded

“Wrong” CSS loaded
- May be used
  by JavaScript
- Possibly delayed till
  just before onload

                            Faster ForwardTM                   ©2012 Akamai
Excess DOM

1402 elements                 1398 elements
3485 nodes                    3491 nodes

                           in DOM

       1600x1200                              320x480
                   Faster ForwardTM                     ©2012 Akamai
RWD Woes

• Download and Hide
• Download and Shrink
• Extra CSS Download
• Excess DOM

                        Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
What Can We Do About It?!

                            Akamai Confidential
Images accounts for most mobile pages size

Stats from

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Images

                                                240px, 6.8 KB        2.9 KB
                          320px, 10.6 KB

         480px, 21.3 KB


iPhone 4

Before:                                       Full Res, 50.1 KB
867 KB

570 KB
                           Faster ForwardTM                       ©2012 Akamai
Responding Up (or badly?)

                                                     113 KB
                                                  Served to Desktop

   360 KB
Served to New iPad

                               Faster ForwardTM             ©2012 Akamai
Low Hanging Fruit: Responsive Images

• Responsive Images =
  Serve lower res images to smaller screens
 • Optionally load full res image in the background
• Lots of great resources on how to do it
 • Cloud Four blog - Education
 • Src – Helper Tool
• Responsive images apply to CSS too!
 • Especially to background images
 • And stop with the huge images!

                             Faster ForwardTM         ©2012 Akamai
Build Mobile First

• Don‟t just design Mobile First – Code a Mobile-only site
 • Build only for the lowest resolution you care about
 • Adapt to similar screen sizes: No layout shifts, no big resolution jumps
 • Performance should compare to mdot sites

• Once implemented – Enhance via JavaScript
 • Grow DOM only on screens that need it.

• Desktop clients with no JS support are a minority
 • Your mobile site should be good enough for those
 • Don‟t sacrifice the performance of 99% for the remaining 1%

                                  Faster ForwardTM                      ©2012 Akamai
Enhancing via JavaScript – Tips & Tricks
• Split your files by layout/resolution                        480
 • Duplicating content on the server is ok             320     px
 • Duplicating download is not
• Use Inline JavaScript to decide the layout
 • Then use external (cacheable) files to apply it
• Put scripts that change design at the top
 • JavaScript blocks rendering
 • Will avoid FOUC – Flash Of Unstyled Content
 • Put all other scripts at the bottom

       var css = „small.css‟;
       if (window.innerWidth > 640) css = „large.css‟;
       else if (window.innerWidth >= 320) css = „medium.css‟;
       document.write(„<link type=“stylesheet” rel=“stylesheet” href=“‟+css+‟”/>‟);
                                    Faster ForwardTM                        ©2012 Akamai
Don‟t forget the “regular” concerns

• Reduce HTTP requests
 • Consolidate Files
 • Inline tiny files
• Reduce bytes
 • Minify CSS/JS
 • Use Lossless Compression for Images
• Load visible content first
 • Defer everything else
 • Or Load it on demand
• Avoid CSS Imports

                                Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

     • Mobitest
      • Online service:
      • Install local open-source version (details)
     • Google‟s Pcapperf
      • Convert network capture to waterfall charts
     • Stoyan Stefanov‟s “icy”
      • HTTP insight into iOS HTTP requests
     • @firt‟s iWebInspector
      • Remote debugger for iOS simulator

49                                      Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Testing different screen dimensions

• Run webpagetest script with resizing
 • Use Chrome as agent (not supported on other browsers)
 • Sample script (tab delimited):
  setviewportsize 320 480

 • Many other scripting

• Figure out the viewport dimensions you want to simulate

                                   Faster ForwardTM                 ©2012 Akamai

          Akamai Confidential

• Choosing your mobile design is HARD
• There are many factors to consider
• Design Decision have Performance Implications
• Mdot Primary Concern: Redirects
• RWD Primary Concern: Over-Downloading
• Either design paradigm can be made fast
• Performance should be built in – not bolted on
• Measure!
• Make perf testing a part the core functionality test

                             Faster ForwardTM            ©2012 Akamai
    Performance Implications of Mobile Design

Guy Podjarny
                                          Akamai Confidential

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Performance Implications of Mobile Design

  • 1. Performance Implications of Mobile Design Guy Podjarny @guypod Akamai Confidential
  • 2. Good Morning! Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 3. Agenda • Performance Matters! • Focus on top Mobile Design Paradigms • A bit on Dedicates Sites (mdot) • A lot on Responsive Web Design • Review Performance each Paradigm • Dig into the top performance problem • Show what went wrong • Discuss how you can fix it • Share tools that can help • And how to use them • Summary Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 4. Who Am I #1: Ex-CTO of (now Akamai) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 5. Who Am I #2: Blaze Mobitest • Mobile Web Performance Measurement • Free Online Service: • Now Open-Source! • For more details: Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 6. Who Am I #3: Mobile Performance Researcher Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 7. Some Terminology Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 8. Dedicated Sites (mdot) URL/Website Per Device Profile Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 9. Responsive Web Design One URL, Adapt to screen size Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 10. Mobile First & Desktop First included in RWD Mobile First (Progressive Enhancement) Desktop First (Graceful Degradation) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 11. Waterfall Charts Resource Doc Complete, Waterfall (Request/Response) (a.k.a. onload, Chart Start Render Load Time) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 12. Please don‟t hate me… • I use real world examples • Possibly written by you… • Constructive feedback != bashing • These are common mistakes • We should learn from them • I tried to spread the blame • Plenty of sites to choose from… • If you fix it, let me know! • I‟ll spread the word Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 13. Performance Matters! Akamai Confidential
  • 14. Users Expect Fast Sites Source: Akamai Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 15. Users Abandon Slow Sites Page Abandonment vs. Load Time Source: KISS Metrics Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 16. Fast Sites Help Bottom Lines Shopzilla: 5 sec load time improvement Source: Shopzilla Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 17. Mobile Users Expect Equal Speeds Source: Gomez Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 18. Dedicated Sites (mdot) Akamai Confidential
  • 19. Mdot Dedicated Sites don‟t create new performance problems Still have old problems, but that‟s not related to mobile design Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 20. Small Mobile Site, Small Waterfall Chart , iPhone 4, iOS 5.0 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 21. Big Desktop/Tablet Site, Big Waterfall Chart iPad 2 iOS 5 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 22. Dedicated Sites Top Performance Problem Redirects m. www. Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 23. Redirects are expensive! 2 redirects, 1.3 seconds lost Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 24. Late Redirect using scripts are even slower 2 redirects + JS Redirect, 3 seconds lost Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 25. Could get nasty 3 redirects + JS Redirect, 3.6 seconds lost Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 26. Redirects – What To Do? • Minimize Redirects • Merge redirect chains • Use HTTP Redirects, not JS redirects • Keep the client-side detection as backup • Detect most devices server-side • Cache HTTP Redirects on the CDN • Makes the extra round trip shorter • Use HTTP 301 Redirect, with a future Expiry • 302/303/307 redirects are not cached by the browser • Good test page (by @souders): Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 27. Responsive Web Design Akamai Confidential
  • 28. Responsive Web Design Responsive Web Design Top Performance Problem: Over-Downloading Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 29. Test – Compare Sites on Different Resolutions • Data: • 347 Sites from • Testing Methodology: • Use • Use Chrome browser • Resize window before each measurement •Resolutions: 320x480, 480x960, 1024x768, 1600x1200 • Saw similar results with iPhone vs. iPad tests • Collect Results • Excel & Pivot Tables (Automated version of Jason Grigsby‟s test last year) © Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 30. Responsive Sites Load Times & Size, by Resolution Load Time* by Resolution (ms) 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Page Size by Resolution (KB) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 * Over Cable Speed (5 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up, 28ms RTT) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 31. Small Screen = Less Visible Content != Less Bytes 320x48 1600x120 0 0 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 32. Some depressing stats… Page Size 10 Got Lucky 320x480 A Bit Smaller (BG 11% Image, Fonts, vs …) 1600x1200 Much Smaller 3% Same Size 86% 1 Responsive Images A bit smaller = 50%-90% the size Much smaller = <50% the size Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 33. Big Site, Big Waterfall 1600x120 0 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 34. Small Site, Big Waterfall 320x480 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 35. Download and Hide Rich Side-bar, holds ads and more Display set to none Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 36. Hidden content is still downloaded Display set to none, resources are still downloaded! Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 37. Download and Shrink Smaller Screen, Same Size Image Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 38. Media queries don‟t prevent CSS downloads Separate CSS per media basic.css mobile.css 320x480 “Right” CSS loaded “Wrong” CSS loaded - May be used by JavaScript - Possibly delayed till just before onload desktop.css Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 39. Excess DOM 1402 elements 1398 elements 3485 nodes 3491 nodes Simplicity not reflected in DOM 1600x1200 320x480 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 40. RWD Woes • Download and Hide • Download and Shrink • Extra CSS Download • Excess DOM Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 41. What Can We Do About It?! Akamai Confidential
  • 42. Images accounts for most mobile pages size Stats from Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 43. Responsive Images 128px, 240px, 6.8 KB 2.9 KB 320px, 10.6 KB 480px, 21.3 KB Site: Device: iPhone 4 Before: Full Res, 50.1 KB 867 KB After: 570 KB Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 44. Responding Up (or badly?) ipad_hero.jpg 113 KB Served to Desktop ipad_hero_2x.jpg 360 KB Served to New iPad Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 45. Low Hanging Fruit: Responsive Images • Responsive Images = Serve lower res images to smaller screens • Optionally load full res image in the background • Lots of great resources on how to do it • Cloud Four blog - Education • Src – Helper Tool • Responsive images apply to CSS too! • Especially to background images • And stop with the huge images! Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 46. Build Mobile First • Don‟t just design Mobile First – Code a Mobile-only site • Build only for the lowest resolution you care about • Adapt to similar screen sizes: No layout shifts, no big resolution jumps • Performance should compare to mdot sites • Once implemented – Enhance via JavaScript • Grow DOM only on screens that need it. • Desktop clients with no JS support are a minority • Your mobile site should be good enough for those • Don‟t sacrifice the performance of 99% for the remaining 1% Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 47. Enhancing via JavaScript – Tips & Tricks 1600px • Split your files by layout/resolution 480 • Duplicating content on the server is ok 320 px px • Duplicating download is not • Use Inline JavaScript to decide the layout • Then use external (cacheable) files to apply it • Put scripts that change design at the top • JavaScript blocks rendering • Will avoid FOUC – Flash Of Unstyled Content • Put all other scripts at the bottom var css = „small.css‟; if (window.innerWidth > 640) css = „large.css‟; else if (window.innerWidth >= 320) css = „medium.css‟; document.write(„<link type=“stylesheet” rel=“stylesheet” href=“‟+css+‟”/>‟); Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 48. Don‟t forget the “regular” concerns • Reduce HTTP requests • Consolidate Files • Inline tiny files • Reduce bytes • Minify CSS/JS • Use Lossless Compression for Images • Load visible content first • Defer everything else • Or Load it on demand • Avoid CSS Imports •… Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 49. Measure! • Mobitest • Online service: • Install local open-source version (details) • Google‟s Pcapperf • Convert network capture to waterfall charts • • Stoyan Stefanov‟s “icy” • HTTP insight into iOS HTTP requests • • @firt‟s iWebInspector • Remote debugger for iOS simulator • 49 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 50. Testing different screen dimensions • Run webpagetest script with resizing • Use Chrome as agent (not supported on other browsers) • Sample script (tab delimited): setviewportsize 320 480 navigate • Many other scripting options: webpagetest/scripting • Figure out the viewport dimensions you want to simulate • Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 51. Summary Akamai Confidential
  • 52. Summary • Choosing your mobile design is HARD • There are many factors to consider • Design Decision have Performance Implications • Mdot Primary Concern: Redirects • RWD Primary Concern: Over-Downloading • Either design paradigm can be made fast • Performance should be built in – not bolted on • Measure! • Make perf testing a part the core functionality test Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 53. Questions? Performance Implications of Mobile Design Guy Podjarny @guypod Akamai Confidential