About SFFWorld.com

Welcome to SFFWorld.com, one of the oldest genre websites featuring the best in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. Here are a few of the people that make it all possible.


188_14915922348_8596_nDag Rambraut

The Norwegian that started the whole thing as a hobby back in 1997. It is still a hobby and the website is only made possible with the great help from people from all over the world.

In charge of technical stuff, organizing things and doing interviews. Follow us on twitter @sffworld and support us on Patreon.




Mark Yon

Mark has been a reviewer, interviewer, moderator and web administrator at SFFWorld for over a decade, but has been a fan for much longer. (He makes it about fifty years, although it could be longer.)

He has been published in the Fortean Times and has reviewed on the Orbit UK website, interviewed many of his favourite authors for SFFWorld and was involved in the setting up of the David Gemmell Award. He has led panels on SF and Fantasy at many UK conventions. He also writes reviews for Concatenation and for Galactic Journey, where he reviews New Worlds magazines from 55 years ago. When not reading, watching TV and movies, fighting dragons, chasing ghosts, or travelling in time, he works in education.


robRob Bedford

Rob Bedford is the Lead US Book reviewer for SFFWorld, where he is also a Moderator in their discussion forums. In addition to over a decade’s worth of reviews at SFFWorld, his reviews have also appeared in the San Francisco/Sacramento Book review and Tor.com.  He curatd the Orphan Black Rewatch at Tor.com and writes “The Completeist” column at SF Signal. His blog is robbedford.blogspot.com and he can be found on twitter @RobHBedford.

When his head isn’t in a book or writing about books, Rob writes fiction, runs, bowls, enjoys watching hockey, and is a beer snob.  Rob is a lifelong resident of New Jersey the great Garden State, where he lives with his accommodating* wife (whom he met in a Science Fiction Literature course at Rutgers University) and their dog.

*She puts up with various stacks of read and unread books, thousands of comic books, and hauls his ass to local beer festivals, so yeah, he’s a pretty lucky guy.

1214449N. E. White

An author of heretical qualifications, N. E. White enjoys hanging out with real writers, adopting their personas and skins until they think she’s just like them. But she’s not. When not trying to fool everyone she knows what she’s talking about, Ms. White compiles and writes dubious fiction.
Here at SFFWorld, she reviews independent titles as well as traditional published works. She participates and contributes on the Writing forum regularly, and is the driving force behind the anthologies The End – Visions of the ApocalypseLucky or Unlucky? 13 Stories of Fate, and Wars to Ends All Wars. Follow her on Twitter @n_e_white.



Known also as the “Long-Winded Moderator,” KatG has spent way too many years and way too much time hanging around SFFWorld after they talked her into being volunteer staff. A former book publishing professional, she plays mother hen in the Writing Forum, runs SFFWorld’s Author Roundtables, and has contributed an occasional article and news bulletin.



markcMark Chitty

Mark has been an avid reader for as long as he can remember, with science fiction being his genre of choice. Up until the end of 2013 he ran Walker of Worlds, a blog that focused on genre reviews and allowed him to shout about all the books he read and enjoyed. Other than reading, Mark can often be found on his PS3, trekking across all sorts of imaginary worlds to further escape the normality of day-to-day life. He also loves tea, and can be more than cranky if his day doesn’t start with a big mug of the glorious stuff. Mark’s blog can be found at markchitty.worpress.com, while his twitter handle is @chitman13.


lukeLuke Brown

Luke is the newest member of the SFFWorld reviews team. He has been a member of the SFFWorld discussion forum for over a decade and a fan of science fiction literature for as long as he can remember. Luke has a particular interest in reviewing Australian science fiction and fantasy.

Luke was born and raised in Hobart, Tasmania. He now works in Canberra helping to provide support services to veterans with mental health conditions. He lives with his wife, two children, and a large chocolate Labrador named Seamus. Luke blogs at www.tangleofdendrites.com and tweets using @lukebrown2.


Anthony Brum

Anthony lives near Bristol in the UK, and is the author of Imbrium City: Rise of the New Defenders.  By day he is an Engineer. By night he writes sci-fi and worries about AI wiping out all life on Earth. To cope with these stresses, he runs and plays the ukulele and traditional Irish flute. Twitter: @AnthonyBrumDGW



S_HorstShellie Horst


Shellie(@millymollymo) is a self-employed writer who is slowly returning to the SFF fold after completing a Creative Writing Degree. She’s most at home in the abbeys and castles of Yorkshire, though rarely too far away from a tea pot. A defender of yetis and a collector of dragons, she has also been known to write stories of her own from time to time.



Juliana Spink Mills

Juliana was born in England but grew up in Brazil. Now she lives in Connecticut, USA and writes science fiction and fantasy. She watches way too many TV shows and loves to get lost in a good book. Her dream is to move to Narnia when she grows up. Or possibly Middle-Earth, if she’s allowed a very small dragon of her own. She blogs at jspinkmills.com and on Twitter she’s @JSpinkMills.



Past contributors



laughter-2Kate Coe

I’m a writer of fiction and fantasy, and I blog at writingandcoe.co.uk In real life I’m a librarian with a background in classics and law, I live with an engineer and very grumpy bearded dragon, and I fill my spare time in between writing with web design, gaming, geeky cross-stitch and DIY (which may or may not involve destroying things). I also read far fewer books that I’d like to, but possibly more than I really have time for.


mitro as the doctorMatt Mitrovich

Matt Mitrovich is the founder and editor of Alternate History Weekly Update, a blogger for Amazing Stories, a volunteer interviewer for SFFWorld and a Sidewise Awards for Alternate History judgeWhen not exploring alternate timelines he enjoys life with his beautiful wife, Alana, and prepares for the day when travel between parallel universes becomes a reality. You can follow him on FacebookTwitter and YouTube. Learn how you can support his alternate history projects on Patreon.


Picture by Narrelle M Harris

Jane Routley

Jane has had a variety of careers, including fruit picker and Occult librarian and lived in Germany and Denmark for a decade.  Now she’s back in her beloved Melbourne and working for the railways. (All the live long day.)

She’s published four books and twice won the Aurealis award for Best Australian Fantasy Novel.  Her short stories have been widely anthologized and read on the ABC. She’s written a blog about Flinders Street Station and another called Station Stories about her life staffing a railway station. Her current life ambition is to see an erupting volcano.


cliftonhillClifton Hill

Clifton discovered robots in the Fourth Grade when his grandmother handed him a book by Isaac Asimov. Then the Belgariad stole him away to lands of magic and adventure. Bouncing through speculative fiction, Clifton became absorbed by video games, comics and ended up with a degree in Computer Animation. He has dabbled in various art forms, sought to design video games, co-created a web comic, chased after tornadoes, and fights moss whenever he can. After years of neglect, he picked up a story idea buried in a layer of dust, blew it off and has never looked back.
A novelist of the fantastical, Clifton lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and two children, working in mortgage, his head thoroughly lodged in the clouds.

Sign up for Clifton’s Newsletter for news and great perks. Writer’s blog: http://www.CliftonH.com


HSAdam Ganong
Adam is new to writing, a veteran to reading, and hailed as “Literally one of the oddest people I’ve met” by some guy he met on the street once. He’s a trained Audio Engineer from New Brunswick, Canada, and co-hosts The Rules Podcast: a podcast where he and his co-host brainstorm, discuss, and write a flash fiction story each, every episode.

He reads anything he can get his hands on, but has a soft spot for Sci-Fi and Fantasy. When not working on one of his many projects he’s probably re-reading The Name of the Wind and worrying that people think he’s boring. He tweets @adamganong2



John Tuttle

John Tuttle is a young man from Cherry Valley, Illinois. He loves his Catholic faith, writing, photography, video making, and eating watermelon. He is a writer who is also passionate about movies and the fantasy genre of science fiction.





Victoria Rogers

Victoria wandered into the forum in search of new books. She found them. Loads and loads of them. She also found the flash fiction contests, and they roped her in. One day she was asked to join the team. Not really knowing why, but pleased nonetheless, she agreed. So now she spends her time here learning about books, honing her wannabe writing skills and shaking her fist at spam bots.

When not battling evil robots, Victoria spends her time cooking, laughing, and hanging out with her husband and dog somewhere in the land of Canada.

IMG_6282David Paul Hellings

David Paul Hellings is an English writer and author, as well as a film and football fan. He has travelled extensively, mostly across Africa, India, and SE Asia. He is currently working on a number of Sci-fi and Fantasy novels, one of which he’s pretty sure he might finish before he shuffles off this mortal coil. His favourite fantasy or horror books are the Moorcock Elric series, the works of Bram Stoker, HP Lovecraft, and early James Herbert. His favourite film directors are Kubrick and Welles. He likes Chinese food. He is also an avid gamer of AD&D and LotFP. On Twitter he is @HellingsOnFilm.


Mary Woodbury

Mary Woodbury runs eco-fiction.com, a site that explores ecology in fiction, including works about climate change. She writes fiction under pen name Clara Hume. Her novel Back to the Garden has been discussed in Dissent Magazine, Ethnobiology for the Future: Linking Cultural and Ecological Diversity (University of Arizona Press), and Uncertainty and the Philosophy of Climate Change (Routledge). Mary is currently revising the previous stand-alone novel to act as introduction to the Wild Mountain series. Edition 2 is due out in 2018, and following that is the 2nd part of the series (2019), To the Waters and the Wild. Mary lives the lower mainland of British Columbia and enjoys hiking, trailrunning, writing, and reading.


J.K.A. Short

J.K.A. Short, is an Australian writer of English-German background who currently freelances for various publications and moonlights as an indie publisher. His writing experience includes writing for LINQ Magazine, Cairns Life Magazine, Cream Magazine, Mind, Body, Spirit, and Student and Graduate Publishing to name a few. He has also released a market-test portfolio of fiction on Amazon called Wayfarer which you can read more about on his website. J.K.A. Short is currently working on his first novel called ‘The Shadow of Protos Kallithea’ which is an expansion of a novella he first published in Wayfarer. To keep updated on things sci fi, adventure and pop culture movie/music/art, you can follow him on Facebook.



Jackie Jones

Jackie is an award-winning author and entrepreneur from Barbados, with special focus on the creative industries specifically in the Caribbean region. Self-published works include The Wardens Series (Season One & Season Two), Secrets (Return of the Guardian), Jacob’s Apocalypse and Other Stories, and others of a speculative nature. She blogs, vlogs on good hair days, reviews books and TV series, and has been known to run aimlessly around Azeroth from time to time.


danDan Lee Abbott

Dan resides in east Texas but hails from Northern Arizona, where he discovered that chewing cactus was not the best occupation. He now promotes artist and works as a ghost writer while being co-founder of Black Sheep Art Studio, a Fort Worth local and non-advertised art group that works with everything from pin-up artwork to children stories. In his spare time he likes delivering pizza…



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7 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Just letting you guys know, the submission forms for both the review/guest post page as well as the contact page keep giving me error messages and won’t let me submit anything.

    1. Thanks for letting us know, Brett. Ongoing issue at the moment – a recent server change seems to have done us no favours! We’re working on it, and hopefully will have it sorted soon.

  2. How do I post an image with a message in a thread on a forum? It asks me for a URL but then won’t post it. It looks like it wants a link rather than allowing me to upload from my picture files.

    1. Hi Tim.

      Yes, most of the time we use links, either from a website or through an image service. You should also be able to upload a picture to your post through a button that says “attach image”. This should be at the bottom left of the post you are writing.

  3. My account (Luke646, brand new a couple of days ago) says it’s been blocked due to spam, and to contact the administrator. I can’t find a way to do that. Can anyone help?

  4. Hiya! I am wondering how you chose authors to interview? Thanks!

    1. Hello Shelby. It’s usually after a request from the publishers, but it also depends on time. We do get a lot of requests and sadly there’s not enough time to deal with all the requests we receive.


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