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Half-Life 2: Episode 3: Image 1?

Via Kotaku via Shacknews via Intothepixel: potentially the first look at Half-Life 2: Episode 3. It's concept art rather than screenshot, but the idea of Freeman tackling a Combine Advisor with only a crowbar and a giant pit of death is a tantalising one, no?

Sci-fi game concept art regularly takes my breath away. It usually looks ten times more spectacular than the finished product, but endless disappointments don't stop me dreaming that one day there will be a game that does look that lavish. On a similar note, check out RPS' new favourite blogs - Concept Ships and Concept Robots. Truly remarkable imagery: I could look at them all day, and may have to buy an expensive printer so I can decorate my walls with 'em. We've spotted a Blizzard artist's work on the former, so quite possibly there's a fair few game concept artists hidden away in there. Let the hunt begin...

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