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Screenshot of func_mapjam3
Author:DaZ, ericw, ionous, mfx, Tronyn, scar3crow
Title:Func Map Jam 3 - Zerstörer theme
Download:func_mapjam3.zip (e89ba76f95e70b33e6dcad129e7fb058)
Filesize:33733 Kilobytes
Release date:31.10.2014
Additional Links: Func_Msgboard
Type:Partial conversion
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
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Func Map Jam 3 - Zerstörer theme

Map jam #3 - a community project at Func_Msgboard. The pack features 6 small to large Zerstörer-themed maps. The complete Zer mod is included in this release, and so are the map sources.

Note: Some of these maps require an engine port with increased limits and support for fog.
A hotfix for mfx's map is available here.

Tags: small, medium, large, zer, metal, wizard, blood, rock, terrain, fog, monsters, traps, spacemap, temple, source, skybox, jam, zerstorer, halloween

Editor's Rating: Excellent
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4.4/5 with 61 ratings
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