Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Slavic Unity Monument II [SLAVIA PROJECT]

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Markus_INC's Avatar Markus_INC
Level 37 : Artisan Pyro
This is my newest project, made on my city-building map. It's a monument symbolising Slavic unity, with a main flagpole with the flag of Slavia, along with 12 pillars representing the 12 regions of the country and the 12 Slavic nations (i know that Czechoslovakia no longer exists, but I don't think it's to controversial to combine the two in this universe of mine. It also made my life easier as having 13 pillars makes the monument one-sided and just looked wrong when I built it in a testing world).

Each of the pillars have a flag of a Slavic country, along with the countries name in English and in Medzuslovjansky.

The ground is also marked with a kolovrat, a slavic-pagan symbol that has come to represent Slavic unity and pride (No, it's not a n*** thing, here's a video explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHI-SrbIhbk). The monument is located on the incline of a mountain on the east side of the main island.

Want to stay updated on the city project and get notified when I update the project and release the download?

"Heart" my Slavia City Project page on PMC. There, I plan to post updates on every part of the project as I build it.

If you do, you will get updated as I build, with update-posts of new builds once I finish them, and a download link for the project once it's finished.

In these update posts, I plan on writing links to the actual pages, like this one, where I write a longer explanation and upload more pictures.


+ Terrain by Lord Dakr (https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/new-dakr-city-map-download/)

+ Shader: Sildurs Vibrant Shaders - Medium
CreditTerrain by Lord Dakr , Shader: Sildurs Vibrant Shaders
Progress90% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Markus_INC 02/15/2021 6:08:12 amFeb 15th, 2021

I've added a link to the SLAVIA PROJECT MAIN PAGE

There, you can keep yourselves updated on the progress of the city (I will not be posting updates on this page unless I actually change something in this build).

Thank you all for sticking around :)

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08/23/2020 4:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Vlad_miner_555's Avatar
здраствуй брат славянин
