Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Slavia terrain [Download] [My first ever terrain]

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Markus_INC's Avatar Markus_INC
Level 37 : Artisan Pyro
This is a terrain that I made with the help of MCedit, worldedit, and towards the end to place down the forests, WorldPainter. The terrain is designed to be a flat canvas to build a city on, surrounded by mountains to the east, hills & forests to the south and north, and an ocean to the west. The terrain is lower than most other terrains (the average height of the ground is only 11 blocks), this is so any city can be taller, as I myself tend to focus a lot more on the skyline than the underground parts of the city. This is not a survival-map, I am only really a city-builder, therefore this terrain is reflective of that.

The terrain is based of the New Dakr City terrain by Lord Dakr, found here:
Credit therefore goes to him, obviously.

This terrain has a bit of a backstory, and a future plan that I wish to express as well:
A few years ago, I started working on a city. I called the project "Slavia Project". I restarted the city several times, not really knowing what style the city should be made in. Old architecture? Modern? Futuristic? After a while, I decided on futuristic.

One issue I kept running into is that the New Dakr City-terrain that I was using back then was not really that easy to build on. The height-limit of the pre-1.18 updates kept making skyscrapers difficult to really design, and my buildings ended up being a lot flatter and wider than tall. After I decided to completely stop work on the "Slavia Project", I decided I should fix this, by creating this terrain.

I wanted to create a terrain in WorldPainter, as I thought that would be easier. It would be large but not so detailed, because as I mentioned, I am a city builder and not really a landscape artist. But after downloading some brushes, Worldpainter broke entirely, not even starting after reinstalling worlpainter. I couldn't figure out why, as I thought uninstalling it would reset everything back to 0, but even then it wouldn't start. This resulted in me creating the terrain in MCedit instead.

I lowered the terrain from Dakr City, filled in most of the ground to the east while deleting one of the parts of the larger islands. I won't explain it to much since you can see the edits I made in the pics.

Once I was close to done however, I discovered how to make WorldPainter function again.
This annoyed me on the one hand, as it would have been helpful to have access to worldpainter from the start instead of just MCedit. This also made me consider creating a new terrain and using that to build my city on instead. One positive thing however is that worldpainter made it possible for me to paint a forest along the northern and southern map borders.

However, me fixing worldpainter opened up the possibility for me to create a terrain from scratch, something that I'll probably do so I can construct my city with a terrain that I made myself.
At the end of the day, this is a simple bit of terrain I made. I think I'll make a new one in WorldPainter, but I didn't want this terrain to just sit on my computer and serve no purpose, so I decided I should share it with you.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

New download : by Markus_INC 04/25/2022 12:32:19 pmApr 25th, 2022

Updated the download from a regular folder to a .rar file. idk why I didn't do that sooner, that was pretty stupid of me, but it's done now at least.

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04/24/2022 8:02 am
Level 28 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Filip_FTW's Avatar
Nice terrain. I would like to see the city on this terrain and finished!
Nice Job!
