Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

S153 "Black Claw" Prison || [SLAVIA PROJECT]

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Markus_INC's Avatar Markus_INC
Level 37 : Artisan Pyro
This project has been redesigned and restarted. The pictures and info are not active, and I will publish a new page with the redesigned build in the future. Check "Updates" on this page.

=== !!READ!! ===

This is the prison located in the north of Tsargrad. It's located on a separate island connected to the checkpoint island (coming soon) via a bridge. This prison is special in 2 ways however. The first is that the island also houses the HQ for the Duran corporation, a company mainly focused on running the prisons and correctional facilities in Slavia. The second difference is that it is one of the few places where the production of AI-chips take place.

Prisoners are sent down to the basement, strapped down and have their brain-power and readings harvested, leading to immediate expiration. The data is then sent to the computer room and reprogrammed to be used in all sorts of advanced AI-things. While consumer products run on regular chips, these AI cores can be used for advanced processing in for example surveillance or making personalised companions which are advertised on the side of the prison. The companions are made by Adap co. and shipped to the costumers according to their orders. Hair, body, personality and everything else is easily customised by the costumer before placing an order. An AI-core from the prison is then bought by the Adap co. and shipped from the prison to their factory on the main island (coming soon), where most of the programming and customisation happens. The personalities of the prisoners are completely removed while harvested, and the bodies are disposed of. The money made is then sent to the victims of the criminal.

The prison holds more than 7 000 prisoners, though I am planing on making it a bit smaller by lowering the amount of floors that the prison building has. The prison is surrounded by mines, and has a wall with automated watchtowers on the southern side. The island also has several AA-turrets, mostly around the buildings, which prevents any escape-attempts by air.

As mentioned, the island is also home to the Duran HQ to the south-west of the main prison building. The company sells advertisement-space on the main building, which currently advertises a cola-brand and the Adap humanoid companions.

Want to stay updated on the city project and get notified when I update the project and release the download?

"Heart" my Slavia City Project page on PMC. There, I plan to post updates on every part of the project as I build it.

If you do, you will get updated as I build, with update-posts of new builds once I finish them, and a download link for the project once it's finished.

In these update posts, I plan on writing links to the actual pages, like this one, where I write a longer explanation and upload more pictures.


+ Terrain by Lord Dakr (https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/new-dakr-city-map-download/)

+ Shader: BSL v7.2.01pre2. with blue block-lighting. Thank you to Almarca The Architect for helping with the shaders (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpw6O0Z8giFOzNxpHdFsRTQ)
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

I'm sorry, but I'm not really happy with this. : by Markus_INC 11/08/2021 11:52:05 amNov 8th, 2021

I have decided to redesign this from the ground up, as I simply am not happy with how this turned out. I rushed it, and didn't think it through, which made it end up looking like a hotel rather than a prison. Because of this, I have reverted the island to how it was before, and begun work on moving the prison underground instead. It's already in my opinion looking better, and I promise that I will use the same style of building in the future for my city (just somewhere else and for a different purpose) but for now it has been removed.

On the positive side, I have decided to publish a downloadable project on my page in the same style. You can find it on my page, the " S I N Russia class super-carrier".

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08/02/2022 11:03 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
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This Man really made CatGirls canon in the future
08/03/2022 4:50 am
Level 37 : Artisan Pyro
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