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    • LadyO's Avatar
      July 14, 2024, 7:58 am to Public
      Working on a dwarveni commission (Treasury) and on the 2017 Chunkworld from McNoodlor ... ;)
    • LadyO's Avatar
      June 15, 2024, 4:57 am to Public

      Tower and walls are here!

      Good morning to everyone!

      Today I finally finished the tower and the wall section booklets.

      You can find them in the shop:

      I also updated the Minotaurs village bundle, adding the two new additions:

      See you soon!
    • LadyO's Avatar
      June 8, 2024, 5:27 am to Public

      Minotaurs wall tower

      The progress on this building is slower than planned, but I'm reallyu satisfied with it.

      I finished to create the interiors, with lot of floors and even a secret little storage.

      Here below you can see the war room, with a map table in the center, under a big lamp.

      At higher floors, an helix staircase and more rooms.

      So, if it is finished, why is not available on the shop?

      Because when I tried to export it from Minecraft to my own filetype, I realized that I used a lot of blocks I didn't create yet!

      For example, I had in my database all pistons, standard and sticky, but I never realized their extended versions, occupying two blocks, or I had all the levers in OFF position, when I needed the ON position as well.

      Creating the PNG version of each of them, in every orientation, takes a little bit of time, so ... for today I did all my best. Tomorrow, maybe I will be able to do more.
    • LadyO's Avatar
      June 1, 2024, 3:09 am to Public

      Small progress ...

      I just finished to design the exteriors of the Minotaurus wall Tower, refining its matching with other minotaurus buildings.

      I also added the connection to the fortified walls, that will be the other next minotaurus building to be added to the shop.

      The wall section contains three corridors: the first, visible, is open on the top, the second, just behind it, protected by the stone walls, in the middle, and the third, secret, protected by stone and ground, located at the very bottom of the wall.

      Wall section and Wall Tower will be sold separately, but they will be included together in the future bundles.
    • LadyO's Avatar
      May 26, 2024, 3:43 am to Public

      Minotaurs wall tower

      As you read in the last status, I'm currently working on a Minotaurs wall tower. It's complete at 50%, at the moment, with only the exteriors completed.

      In the interiors I only defined the lower room, in the basement, with also a secret room closed by a hidden redstone mechanism.

      I still have to define the upper rooms, last external touches and to add the side connections to the (upcoming) walls.

      Here some step-by-step pictures:

      Basement with an unexpected visitor already at the entrance.

      Main door and main floor.

      Upper part of the stoney structure.

      Final exterior build (except for last-minute retouches).

      Walls will extend from left and right sides, respect to the entrance stairs, and will be high enough to cover half the tower height, more or less.
      McMeddon said 2024-05-26 10:33:21
      McMeddon's Avatar
      progression images are amazing! ✨
      LadyO replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-26 08:51:58
      LadyO's Avatar
      Thank you, but looking at it again, there are some tweaks I can make to let it better.
      ScotsMiser said 2024-05-26 06:05:12
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      Good looking build
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