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    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 19, 2024, 11:33 am to Public
      just a question
      what are some supernatural powers that you guys really like? (please nothing too op, I may use one or two of your ideas for a character in my book)
      EccentricEremite replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2024-07-19 11:46:31
      EccentricEremite's Avatar
      Another thing: have fun with it.
      There's not much good thinking you have to write something if you're not enjoying it or don't like the idea. Write what you want and how you want to write it.
      EccentricEremite said 2024-07-19 11:43:09
      EccentricEremite's Avatar
      When it comes to stories? I think it's most fun when the power seems to simultaneously put the character in advantage and disadvantage.

      Just as my favorite example, Paul Atreides from Dune might have the most clever twist on a "super-powered-messiah" I've ever seen. The premise is that he has visions of the future- however, they are inconsistent and depict possible futures rather than the future. The reason I find this so clever is because it ties into the themes of the book, the most prevalent being the danger of figurehead-centered fanaticism. The unreliability of Paul's visions and his total trust in them as a rising leader of a fanatical following, he becomes the antagonist of the book's themes, and there's wonderful drama and conflict that arises from the power being simultaneously a blessing and a (even if unrealized) curse.
      As an example of something I've been tinkering with in a story, immortality I think can lean into this pretty well. In the story I've been chipping away at, characters have had immortality thrust onto them under no will of their own, and they need to cope with that. My approach to it is that immortality is an eternity of stagnancy and decay, never growing or changing. The body may be safe from sickness and death, but the mind isn't- characters grow complacent and uncaring for the people around them and themselves.

      Those are just some ideas I have on this sort of thing that I thought might help a bit. I also suggest thinking about what powers can tie into the themes and conflicts you want in your story.
      Mxple_Starz said 2024-07-19 11:36:11
      Mxple_Starz's Avatar
      inventory, pylikinesis, or dendrokinesis? A little basic but I think it works
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 16, 2024, 11:33 am to Public
      “we’re going to staples. we should be back soon.”
      bro. it’s been two hours. is staples really that interesting of a store to be at for over two hours??
      in two hours, i ate breakfast, petted a dog multiple times (she has become our very happy, friendly visitor on this trip), made a skin, and sat around basically. and they’re still at the store-
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 12, 2024, 4:43 am to Public
      so just letting you guys know that I will be leaving for a trip later today/tomorrow (it’s currently after 1:30am as I have started writing this, on friday the 12th), and I won’t be back until the 31st, so the end of the month basically.

      I don’t know how much time I’ll have to make skins since we’re visiting family, so don’t expect any skins from me while I’m gone. I may pop a skin or two a week, but again I’m not sure how much time I’ll get.

      hope you all are doing well, and remember to drink water and get enough sleep.
      lacuna said 2024-07-12 06:18:45
      lacuna's Avatar
      have a lot of fun! >:D
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 10, 2024, 2:53 am to Public
      another small poll

      choose (in the comments) one color from this list:
      or black

      (this is also for the same story I’ve been writing. each color basically represents a different place.
      essentially, the color with the most votes will be the place the characters go to next.
      and yes, for those two people who wanted it, their ship did sink and they were forced to swim the rest of the way)
      lacuna said 2024-07-10 06:54:43
      lacuna's Avatar
      Mellie said 2024-07-10 06:40:07
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      ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2024-07-10 05:11:27
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      ScotsMiser said 2024-07-10 04:56:48
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      Mxple_Starz said 2024-07-10 03:14:24
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    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 7, 2024, 1:39 am to Public
      small poll (that no one is going to see anyway :/ ), because of writer’s block

      so i’ve been trying to write this story for a few days, and i’m a bit stuck on what should happen.
      for a bit of context, these three people are currently on a ship, sailing to another kingdom, but they’re stuck in the middle of a massive storm, and atm they’re trying to dodge rocks.

      if anyone is even reading this, should they dodge the rocks successfully and get to land safely, or their ship gets hit by the rocks but they’ll also make it to land safely.
      or like.. their ship suffers from a great deal of damage from the rocks and they have to swim the rest of the way because their ship sank-

      (sorry about earlier though, i was just incredibly upset, and i still am)
      EccentricEremite replied to Kokano's comment below 2024-07-07 17:37:27
      EccentricEremite's Avatar
      Do whatever best serves your story 👍
      Kokano replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2024-07-07 17:00:39
      Kokano's Avatar
      well, seeing as I’m already halfway through the fourth chapter, and the characters were kind of meant to travel across the ocean to get to this one place, they kind of have to keep going, even if their ship does sink (otherwise, this story would be absolutely pointless to still be writing).
      besides, they’re closer to their destination at this point, than where they started anyways.

      but this still may prove to be more interesting than the other two options listed, so I may just do it and see where that takes me.
      EccentricEremite said 2024-07-07 10:27:39
      EccentricEremite's Avatar
      I'm with ajthepeach here; the swimming from the wrecked ship can ramp-up the stakes by preventing them from going back, as well as the near-death experience being something that could linger with the characters. The question is if you're wanting the characters to show their virtue by continuing forward even though they could always go back (with the boat still being intact) or if you're wanting to induce some emotion by their realization of their exit being nearly impossible (with the boat wrecked)?
      ajthepeach replied to Kokano's comment below 2024-07-07 01:57:36
      ajthepeach's Avatar
      Kokano replied to ajthepeach's comment below 2024-07-07 01:50:49
      Kokano's Avatar
      oh goodie
      three of the people meant to save the world lose their ship and pretty much their only way of getting home later, and they also get terribly sick in the process
      how fun for the characters!
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    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 5, 2024, 10:27 pm to Public
      yay, I finally maxed out hive sg today, I’ve been working on getting to max level (30) in that game since april-
      i think this is now my sixth hive game I’ve maxed out, and it hasn’t even been a full year-

      also already almost halfway done with hive parkour worlds, and apparently the online wheel wants me to do bw next (that’s going to be loads of fun! /s)
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 5, 2024, 2:27 am to Public
      i hope these fireworks actually stop (completely) soon
      one of my dogs has been an absolute nervous wreck all day, and it literally sounded like a war was going on right outside my house just a couple hours ago

      i said
      if i can’t hear my music, then the fireworks are too loud.
    • Kokano's Avatar
      July 1, 2024, 2:33 am to Public
      can’t believe sf is already over, the month sure went by FAST (and I failed for the third time again :/ )
      but now that also means I have over two hundred skins to delete from my downloads to save my poor phone storage (that’s going to be real fun! /s)

      guess it’s time to return back to normal skins now
      man, I haven’t done a normal skin since may (no, I don’t count that random twenty-second edit of oliver by giving him a tie as a “normal skin,” because all I did was add one thing-)

      thank you to the aether soundtrack, twenty one pilots, nf, unlike pluto, and burning pile (mostly a slowed down version) for keeping me remotely sane during june, as I stayed up until two every morning making attacks.
      oh, and we can’t forget to give a special round of applause to that random song about bananas I found one night (“banana man” - tally hall, if you’re somehow curious-)
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 30, 2024, 9:30 pm to Public
      last one, last one..
      my hands are pleading for mercy at this point
      come on, hands.. just one more in less than two hours, you can do it.. then it will all be over for you (until later on tonight)
      Kokano replied to spookyshxdow's comment below 2024-07-01 02:27:22
      Kokano's Avatar
      my poor hands, at least they finally get a day off for once
      spookyshxdow said 2024-06-30 23:00:37
      spookyshxdow's Avatar
      you carried our team
      o7 hands
    • Kokano's Avatar
      June 30, 2024, 5:17 am to Public
      how is it already july like tomorrow-
      where has the time gone, seriously, like what-
      Kokano replied to Dazzles's comment below 2024-06-30 13:54:54
      Kokano's Avatar
      yes! finally! (of course, after I speedrun a tourney entry tonight that’s due tomorrow, but I can finally get some sleep again for once..)
      Kokano replied to _FroznBee's comment below 2024-06-30 13:53:58
      Kokano's Avatar
      ikr, sobb
      it seems like time flies faster every year, and then all of a sudden, it will already be time to go back to school-
      Dazzles said 2024-06-30 06:51:28
      Dazzles's Avatar
      You'll finally be able to rest!
      _FroznBee said 2024-06-30 05:25:17
      _FroznBee's Avatar
      Actually like it atill feels like march omg
      Ender Sparkle said 2024-06-30 05:18:10
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  • .:. very random section .:.

    ignore please (I am not okay)

    the end - 8 graves (<3333)
    sinking like a stone - maddison
    unforgiven - ghost nation
    genesis - grimes
    high in flight - wl
    night light - unlike pluto
    miracle - bad omens
    concrete jungle - bad omens
    two wrongs - 8 graves
    tuning out - 8 graves
    supervillain - 8 graves
    closure (year 09) - unlike pluto
    intro (infected) - sickick
    wasted - 8 graves
    fade to black - 8 graves
    go - 8 graves
    protection charm - miguel angeles
    simple things - jennings couch
    my kind of lie - ghost nation
    as they bloom - unlike pluto

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