EccentricEremite's Avatar
Lore-Accurate PFP by Aelle
Level 29
Expert Caveman Goblin

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    07/24/2024 8:04 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    “Taboo, huh?” laughs Chimes, looking back down to Achilles. “Just like Kobold, then!”

    “And proud ob it!” Kobold shouts back, having begun pulling out his own food from a bag.
    07/24/2024 7:58 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    “And my name is Achilles!” squeaks the Grogitch. “I got it just today, miss!”

    “My, my!” remarks Chines. “Those are good names. Congratulations, little Grogitch!” She reaches out one of her spindly hands and pats Achilles on the head. She then turns to Luna. “Then I assume you are his master, dear? Do you treat him well?”
    07/24/2024 7:50 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
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    "Ah, Chimes!" exclaims Puca, standing up to greet the creature.

    *The horse-skulled figure enters the clearing, revealing their cloaked form and four arms, though one is heavily bandaged.*

    "Howsh the hand looking, Chimesh?" says Kobold.

    "It's been better, I'd say!" laughs the figure, presumably Chimes. She tries to flex her hand, though it strains from the bandages and a small red stain can be seen forming. "Thank you, dears, for checking." *She sits at the table and looks at Luna and Achilles.* "Ah, new faces! What are your names, dears?"
    07/24/2024 7:41 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Oh, don't mind Twig," laughs Puca. "He's keeping me in check."

    *With a sudden rustle and the sound of ringing bells, a new face peeks into the clearing. The face, frighteningly enough, is the skull of a horse, covered in a ribbons and bells.*

    "Am I late?" asks the voice of an older woman coming from the skull.
    07/24/2024 7:27 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "It's not a literal facet of its nonsense," Puca quickly explains. "I've just noticed how the few who have made it out can't seem to get it out of their head. The Riverkeeper- good spirit, that guy is; that man in the chapel; the two ghosts in the fields that won't quit their singing. They seem to have seen something in there that won't let them just. . . move on, y'know? It's like they're still in there, wandering whatever space is down there and seeing-" Puca is briefly interrupted by a swift slap from Twig, whose face is in a state of spinning between grinning and frowning. "-no one should ever see."
    07/24/2024 7:12 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
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    "Well, you've got 'dangerous' right," Puca snorts. "The ground we're standing on? It's the only thing separating us from 'the Steeple,' a place of mad pilgrims and undying grudges. Some folk try and get in, thinking they'll be heroes for defeating some beast inside or find treasure of some forgotten king. None of them leave the same, if they leave at all. I'm convinced that your body and mind separate when entering the place, and that your mind ain't ever gonna leave those wretched dungeons."
    07/24/2024 6:29 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *Puca looks at Luna for a moment and snorts.*

    "Y'know," he begins. "when I was a pup, rotting in the comfort of the bottom of a well, I had a small glimpse of the stars. Just the eyehole of the well's walls- that's all I got to see the sky from. Once I was older, I was able to climb out and really see what's up here. But as a pup, I wondered so often about what it was that was out there: sometimes it's bright and others it's so dark I can't see a thing. Sometimes the light is little with the pale eyes of stars keeping watch. Sometimes it would rain, and I'd wonder from what well all that water came. It's hard to see from down here. So I have to ask, what's it like seeing them up close? What are they like? What does down here look like from up there?" He chuckles to himself. "We probably seem like a miserable old lot to you folk up there, right?"
    07/24/2024 5:09 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "What's your impression of it so far?" Puca asks, looking up at the sky.

    *The slight rustle of windblown tree branches can be heard overhead. Somewhere, a cricket sings its song. In the village nearby, a mother could be rocking her child to sleep, shielding her ears to a distant thudding and the sound of a wicked cracking-laughter. A man might be standing in the rafters of the chapel, hammering at a loose board and humming some forgotten song. In the meadow, there could be forgotten ghosts dancing between the low hills and sunken graves, singing and laughing in the joy of something they know they'll never see.
    *Back at their table, Luna can see Kobold standing on the table and gibbering something at Twig, who is smiling warmly, though anything the Grogitch says is obscured by his pinched voice and anger. Achilles begins pouring a little spoonful of honey on a chunk of bread. Puca is still looking up at the stars, seeing a distant, writhing form of a pale aurora.*

    "What do you think of it? All of it? It's hard to see it sometimes from down here."
    07/24/2024 4:54 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *Achilles begins to sort the different foods he's pulled out of his bag, occasionally slapping Puca's hand when he tried to steal more cheese. Kobold and Twig continue playing their game of cards, seeming to involve a pile of small stones and a piece of wood carved to resemble a sleeping dog.*

    "So, miss Luna," says Puca. "We're a bunch of odd nuts- mooncalves, if you will- and spirits of the woods. We have our jobs, usually, but this table here is where we forget our worries and duties. I'm a well spirit, or a naiad as some folks try to insist. Frankly, I don't know what I am- I'm a rat who gives good luck to the travelers who show me the respect I deserve. Kobold and your friend Achilles here are Grogitches, household deities that are indebted to the ones who offer them something in exchange for their services. Their services? Well, it's food. They've got this sack full of food that's just waiting to be prepared and eaten. They're pretty good cooks too. Unless you're Kobold here, in which case your services are nothing but-"

    *For a third time, Twig slaps Puca in the face, cutting him off. Puca only rubs his hit cheek, shaking his head out of mild annoyance.*

    "And the slap-happy Twig here is. . . something?" Puca continues. "Look, we don't really know what he is- some doll come to life because of a fairy or a horrific wooden creature made by a mad wizard, we don't know. He don't talk much and seems to be nothing but a freeloadin' fool. He's good at games and keeps my tongue-wagging' in check by slapping the-" Puca gets slapped by Twig yet again, though he picks up where would've left off. "-of me. I've gotten used to it in case you couldn't tell by my ironclad resistance."

    *Though he says this, Puca begins to rub his stricken face again, wincing a bit. Kobold, with a sudden groan, throws his cards on the table in defeat as Twig celebrates victory in their game.*

    "So," Puca says. "What's your story, miss Luna? What was it like living in the stars?"
    07/24/2024 3:21 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *After a moment of silence, lady Miriam sighs and sits in the carriage, still looking at the palace as the horses begin pulling it through the road.*
    07/24/2024 3:15 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *Out of the sack, Achilles pulls out three small wheels of cheese, a few rolls of bread, a small cake, a small jug of cream, and jars of honey, jam, and syrup. He looks to Luna.*

    "Sit, miss. Hospitality is something valued by we fair folk of these woods. We'd hate to leave you standing."
    07/24/2024 3:03 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "You both are welcome at the table- just don't gamble with Kobold," Puca says flatly. "Seriously. Just don't. I've lost a fortune and a week's worth of food to that-"

    *Once again, Twig slaps Puca square in the face, still wearing his grinning face. Puca only grumbles and returns to eating a small wheel of cheese.*

    "Did any of you bring food?" asks Kobold. "You ought to have shome wish you, little Achillesh."

    *Achilles pulls out a small bag, and places it on the table.*
    07/24/2024 2:50 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Well miss," says the ratman. "Might as well get some introductions out of the way. I'm Puca, the only gentleman of this group-" as he says this, the rat makes an odd gesture that might be a bow, only to scratch at his ear with one hand, grabbing a tick and eating it as he finishes. "You've heard this little Grogitch introduce himself as Kobold- do not gamble with him. And this wonderful wood-man is Twig, some. . . puppet, I think. . .? We don't really know how he came to be."

    *Kobold the Grogitch doesn't acknowledge them, intently focused on a card game with Twig. Twig, on the other hand, waves a flimsy wooden hand at Luna and Achilles.

    "So, you-" Puca gestures to Achilles. "-are now Achilles, a formerly unnamed Grogitch. And now you-" he gestures to Luna. "-are who exactly, star girl?"
    07/24/2024 2:35 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
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    *The small Grogitch looks down at his webbed feet for a moment, seeming to check for a wound, only to find them unharmed. Relieved, he looks back up at Luna and bows.*

    ”I like that name, miss” he squeaks. “It makes me feel quite a bit larger than I really am.”
    07/24/2024 2:24 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    “It would seem so, star-lady,” says the ratman. “If you didn’t summon the slave-god here yourself, it can be a touchy subject, but it seems this one’s willing to break taboo and be named by a stranger. Much like Kobold here; he doesn’t give a-“

    *The ratman is interrupted after getting slapped in the face by the woodman, who’s face has flipped to be a stern frown.*
    07/24/2024 2:09 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
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    *The unnamed Grogitch nervously looks up at Luna.*

    ”Miss,” he stammers. “You wouldn’t happen to have a name you could spare me?”
    07/24/2024 2:01 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    “Well,” says the ratman. “You’ve come into the company of our little band of misfits.” He looks down at the little Grogitch Luna met. “And what’s your deal, slave-god? Got a name yet?”

    *The Grogitch only looks down and tries to squeak an answer, only making a few nervous noises in response. The other Grogitch starts laughing.*

    ”Jusht make your own name, new-guy,” he snorts.“It letsh you be whatefer you want. Take a look at mine; Kobold! I’m jusht anoder Grogitch, like you!”
    07/24/2024 12:07 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
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    *The wooden man stares blankly with his carven face, fixed in a warm, emotionless smile. The ratman looks up at the stars for a moment, opening and closing his mouth. The Grogitch on the table tries to return to his cards.*

    ”Stars, huh?” the ratman says. “That’s new. How’d you get up there?”
    07/24/2024 11:46 am
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *Eventually, they make it a small clearing in the woods, with a table set up in the center. Sitting at the table is an odd-looking man made from carven wood, another Grogitch holding a bunch of cards, and humanoid rat gnawing on a small loaf of bread.*

    ”Hullo, friends!” squeaks the Grogitch leading Luna.

    *The rest of the table turns their heads to the little Grogitch. The Grogitch holding cards snorts its hooked nose.*

    ”Do be knowb you?” the Grogitch on the table asks, its voice sounding as if its nose were pinched.

    *The rat at the table looks up at Luna, dropping its bread.*

    ”Oh, the gods hate us!” the rat suddenly exclaims. “Another strange girl shows up at our games, and now soon we’ll be wrapped up in some big adventure again! It’s just like how we lost Chimes last time, innit?”
    07/24/2024 11:31 am
    Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
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    “Now, follow! We must get away from this dreadful place.”

    *The Grogitch begins scurrying into woods, pausing to make sure the girl is following.*

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