cloudkitty's Avatar
  • I would type 500 words, and type 500 more, just to be someone who typed very little words

    hello there, I'm cloud!

    technically on a break, but i'm still lurking. i'm always open to chat :)

    about me?
    words words erm words

    cat mother :]
    life series/hermitcraft fan
    self-taught artist
    left handed (ik so special)
    short but I act tall
    umm not gay lmao
    depressed and prone to mood swings 👍
    caffeine addiction
    that's it ig

    requests/stuff I will do
    requests are currently closed! I don't have the motivation + I don't really enjoy skinning anymore
    all contest invites are currently closed. I will pick what I want to do :>

    requests are currently closed as artfight is currently in full swing! I will most likely open them up again after the fight :)

    got any questions for me? pop them in my guestbook or drop me a pm
    stay safe out there!

    small disclaimer:
    I am a Catholic, so while I do not necessarily support the Pride Community, I will not tolerate any sort of homophobia, transphobia etc.
    I will not actively try to force my beliefs on you, nor will I attack you for disagreeing.

    (I would love to hear your thoughts on my religion in pms if you are willing to keep it civil)
  • Guest Book

    Login or register to post to their guest book.
  • look at all these cool fellas

    mentions for honorable-ness

    crowned best animal skinner by me five seconds ago

    the grainest of grian fans

    I need to borrow your sunglasses because your coolness is burning my retinas

    have you slept yet?
    best of luck dude <3

    the bluest of boys that build, and the funniest

    staple of the site who is also slowly digging his own grave but won't admit it

    currently you are thinking either about transformers, pmc lore, or some various heavy rock band

    please get out of my walls

    gone but not forgotten, best of wishes man

    do you remember whatever story you were writing on skindex?

    these, for the most part, are some of my closest friends throughout my time here. thank you especially to oliv for being my longest lasting supporter throughout it all <3
  • that's a rubber wheel scar.

  • Wall Posts

    • cloudkitty's Avatar
      July 21, 2024, 3:54 pm to Public
      hey there pmc
      i'm going to be taking a break for an indefinite amount of time to (try to) rebuild my mental health

      see ya later
      BlueBoyBuilds said 2024-07-23 10:33:01
      BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
      Oh dang, sorry I missed this! I hope all goes well for you. Goodbye! <3
      Fatcqt said 2024-07-22 09:01:39
      Fatcqt's Avatar
      good luck!
      hope to see you soon!
      oliviobobby said 2024-07-21 19:09:30
      oliviobobby's Avatar
      o7 mate ! See you later <3
      MSK-Fan said 2024-07-21 16:55:40
      MSK-Fan's Avatar
      I hope you feel better soon fam, have a wonderful break 🫶
      Foxx- said 2024-07-21 16:15:49
      Foxx-'s Avatar
      Enjoy ur break, I hope you feel better when you return:)
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