PMC Prom's Avatar
An Annual Prom Dedicated to the PMC Community!
  • About

    wb_sunny Hello, everyone! wb_sunny

    Welcome to the official PMC Prom group!
    PMC Prom is an annual, online get-together where members gather together in formal themed skins, socialize and meet members new and old, play games, and explore handcrafted plots built by members here!

    → Hosted by JadeFire170


    This group is not very active unless prom is in the works.
    Feel free to leave questions in the guestbook but be mindful we may not get back for quite some time if prom is not imminent.
  • Past Proms

    wb_sunny Years we hostedwb_sunny

    2020 ✨

    2021 👽

    (Banner by SkullyBud)

    2022 🏖️

    (Banner by Eluusive)

  • Guest Book

    Login or register to post to their guest book.
  • Wall Posts

    • PMC Prom's Avatar
      PMC Prom post by JadeFire170's AvatarJadeFire170
      February 12, 2023, 5:52 pm to Public
      Hi friends!! We need prom volunteers!!

      We’re looking for builders, skinners, photographers, a texture pack creator, and some redstone engineers! (That last one is only a possibility, but we’re still looking for some nonetheless!)

      - Need to put in at least 3-5 hours each week. How you want to manage that time is completely up to you, especially if you have school, work, etc…. If you feel like you need extra flexibility certain days or weeks, not a problem. Just let us know what your schedule will look like and we will work around it with you. :)
      You will also have a short interview to put your building skills to the test.
      - Official building will be starting sometime very soon!

      - Can either take skin requests to make for others, or can make formal skin attire bases for anyone to use.
      - Won’t be needed till late March/early April, so you have time to decide if you wanna volunteer or not! You can send us a message/leave a comment below so we can get back to you later for official confirmation.

      - Will take pre-prom photos and/or during prom.
      - Shaders are preferred, but if your computer doesn’t support that, no problem!
      - Won’t be needed until much later, but if you send us a message/leave a comment now, we’ll ask for later confirmation if the role still interests you.

      Texture pack creator:
      - Will need to edit some specific blocks/items. Nothing major in particular, just small things here and there to see fit. We also will need music disc file mixing, and editing things such as hotbars, buttons, and the title screen.
      - Work will begin almost immediately once building is in progress.

      *All volunteers will be given proper credit!*

      If any of these roles interest you, please apply asap because they may fill up quickly. There is no set limit right now, we’ll just be hiring people until we think we’re good. Have any questions? We’ll get back to you when we can!

      Thank you, everyone!! 😄

      (Also a kind reminder that we are still accepting prom surveys! They do not collect emails, and only takes about less than 5 minutes to fill out. All surveys are appreciated! Survey link is right here.)
      _Abstract_vison_ said 2024-07-03 11:08:23
      _Abstract_vison_'s Avatar
      Can i be a photographer?
      girl_liker said 2023-02-16 18:15:49
      girl_liker's Avatar
      hihi !! could i help with skin making ( °◇°)?
      XxLoveCutiexX said 2023-02-13 14:45:56
      XxLoveCutiexX's Avatar
      i'll think about it <3! :D I most prob will join :D
      r a i n b o w said 2023-02-13 02:36:24
      r a i n b o w's Avatar
      hi - could i possibly skin for it? i realised ive literally never done pmc prom through the years ive been on here 😭
      bluetatu said 2023-02-12 22:14:06
      bluetatu's Avatar
      glad to see pmc prom coming back again!! cant wait to see what happens :) pls pick a date after may 8th tho :sob:
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