PMC Kingdom RP: Pavorford and the Steeple (Joining-Thread) *FIRST ATTEMPT*

EccentricEremite's AvatarEccentricEremite2/11/24 11:27 am history
2/17/2024 7:38 pm
EccentricEremite's AvatarEccentricEremite
This is a branching storyline of both TheMountaineer's PMC Kingdom and MoonlitRuby's PMC Mystical Forest Kingdom.
This connects to the storylines built around the characters I've introduced in both Role-plays.
This is an individual storyline that I have framed and presented for other to affect and interact with. This is intended to work more similarly to a DND session with me serving as a DM who operates a multitude of other characters and the main events within this story. However, I have never played DND before, and I don't know how to DM, so this is all a giant experiment that may go horribly wrong! :D Just know that I'm figuring this out as I go.
How this is intended to work is that you, the role-players, operate your character in this setting that I've created while interacting with and exploring the characters, history, and events that occur within it. You can do this alone, or you can join other role-players; regardless, you will most likely be interacting with me, the Narrator, the most. This is a specific storyline that I have set-up with pre-planned characters and events; if you're wanting a more general and open role-play, go to either of the Role-plays linked above.


This is the joining forum; please give the following information on your Role-play character:
A quick bio or info that we should know before-hand
Optional: A motive for coming to Pavorford

An additional thing I would suggest you telling me is if you have any particular phobias or triggers I should avoid; this storyline is intended to be a darker and more disturbing storyline for those open to exploring it, and I'd hate to accidentally traumatize someone who didn't know what they were getting into.


IMPORTANT WARNING: This Role-play utilizes Horror extensively in its story.
I said this just above, but this story, if you find the right characters and places, is meant to be a bit sinister and disturbing, and plays into more horror-based themes! There are, if you go to certain places or follow certain characters long enough, topics of gore, intense fear, body horror, death, loss, despair, insanity, a whole list of phobias, and other assorted tragedies will be involved in this story. So please, if any of these bother you, or the role-play you're participating-in begins moving in a direction that distresses you, Please Tell me, and we will shift the tone to be more safe. However, I do promise to try and not let it get too out-of-hand, and please call me out if you think I'm taking it too far (I mean it).

A good ways from the Kingdom, resting by a small river cutting through the meadow, a little village called Pavorford can be found. It, at first glance, seems to be no different from any other farming town, until one listens. Nobody speaks. The residents of the village are careful to not make a sound, some even watching their own footsteps and breath for the slightest noise. Pavorford, though once obscure and unheard of, has suddenly risen to fame in the public-eye. Something is terribly wrong with this place. The immediate answer to the silence of the village lies in the woods it neighbors; a hideous and malformed ogre known as The Boggleman stalks and lumbers its way through the wood, eating anything its squirming fingers can find.
However, as more and more people have swarmed to the village as tourists, more and more rumors spring up that only muddle the nature of the region: a hill that makes song but is always shrouded in fog; a man living in a cathedral that's lived for more than a hundred years yet still looks young (for his age, that is); figures and fairy-like beings haunting the riverbank and woods, raving and meditating in their silence; even little beings in the fields that appear in servitude to those who offer them a specific meal.
Behind all of these rumors, a seeping dread of what truly is in control of these occurrences is clear in every voice that dares to speak above a whisper, like all feel as if the sands in an hourglass are falling once again in the hands of a spiteful god.

EccentricEremite: The Narrator/DM (Basically in control of the entirety of the situation)
MoonlitRuby: Emerald | Male | The Male Blood Ultima | Half-Wolf/Half-Human
Patience: Tricolor | Nonbinary | 16 | Cyber-Anthro-Bird

Posted by EccentricEremite's Avatar
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin

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02/17/2024 4:42 pm
She/Her • Level 15 : Journeyman Hunter Dragon
Patience's Avatar
Name: Tricolor
Species: cyber anthro bird
Occupation: unknown
Looks: swatch from deltarune but without the glasses and shorter beak and not as muscular. Wears long sleeves and pants.
Age: 16
Weapons: fire magic, daggers
Armor: iron scarf. Iron scarf: soft material that can wrap around user to protect them in a silky caccoon, that is as strong as iron
Loves to build and whittle wood.
Very chatty
Hates fighting, spiders
02/17/2024 4:52 pm
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Awesome! Any phobias or triggers you have that I should be aware of (IRL)? And just double-checking to make sure that you know that this is in a medieval setting that utilizes horror themes?
02/17/2024 4:59 pm
She/Her • Level 15 : Journeyman Hunter Dragon
Patience's Avatar
Nail and toenail removal. As well as touching ancheliles heel. I have phantom sense so those are really real for me, and they kinda hurt me irl
02/17/2024 5:03 pm
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
One more thing to check in about: this story is going to involve quite a bit of violence and gore. Would you like it if I toned it down or avoided making art depicting pain?
02/17/2024 7:19 pm
She/Her • Level 15 : Journeyman Hunter Dragon
Patience's Avatar
I'm fine with that. And forgot to mention, oc in non-binary, no pun intended, and goes by they them
02/17/2024 7:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Cool, thanks! 👍
02/17/2024 5:00 pm
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Good to know! Thanks!
02/13/2024 7:39 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Carrot Cake
Panda_Tyger's Avatar
I'm good without roleplaying I just wanna claim one of the first few comments on this in case it blows up
02/11/2024 11:50 am
She/Her • Level 53 : Grandmaster Wolf Princess
MoonlitRuby's Avatar
I'll join, but not as Ruby but as Emerald:

Name: Emerald
Hair: short pink hair
Species: Emerald is a half ling he is half wolf half human
Other: He is the blood Ultima male
02/11/2024 10:11 pm
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Cool! Do you (not your character) have any triggers or fears I should be aware of and avoid? This role-play is going to enter a more horror-based storyline.
02/12/2024 7:58 am
She/Her • Level 53 : Grandmaster Wolf Princess
MoonlitRuby's Avatar
Not really :)
02/12/2024 8:04 am
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
02/12/2024 8:07 am
She/Her • Level 53 : Grandmaster Wolf Princess
MoonlitRuby's Avatar
02/15/2024 9:35 am
Level 29 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
Just another optional question that might be handy: what is your motive for coming to Pavorford?
02/11/2024 11:28 am
She/Her • Level 53 : Grandmaster Wolf Princess
MoonlitRuby's Avatar
