Survival MC Challenge Ideas?

GoggleD0GG's AvatarGoggleD0GG12/11/23 1:14 am
4 emeralds 176 7
12/11/2023 8:06 am
GoggleD0GG's AvatarGoggleD0GG
I haven't played survival Minecraft for quite a bit now. Oopsies.

I plan to have keep inventory on for the sake of my sanity. I'd like some suggestions of ways to challenge myself! I'm starting a world with the challenge of filling a chest with stacks of diamonds because why not why not why noit whyyyy note.tnot. Oopsies, typing gone bad. I'm gonna try to build cool stuff in survival to share with the community, but there's no telling how that will go.

Go wild, go nuts, give ideas, right now, i demand, i fdeMAND, I DEMAND.
Posted by GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Site Moderator
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer

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12/11/2023 7:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Unicorn
MinecraftWubbox's Avatar
Build a castle dongeon, and spawn in a bunch of Zombies. Fight them in full Netherite armor. Can be enchanted, but you can only have 5 enchants on your tools an armor.
12/11/2023 8:00 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
ooo i might even record that, never done a gameplay video tho. hard to find good software for it!
12/11/2023 8:05 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Unicorn
MinecraftWubbox's Avatar
Just do what I do, screenshot video it. It won't have any sound, but I have to work with it. You can check out my blogs for more info. Also, I'm not able to private message you for another 5 hours because of my level status on here.
12/11/2023 8:06 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
huh weird, never knew of that limit.
__Lethal Co__
12/11/2023 5:40 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
__Lethal Co__'s Avatar
beat the game with 0.1% of heart
12/11/2023 3:23 am
Level 42 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Hard to sugggest without knowing your play style (e.g. would any of the various automated farms be new or old hat)
[​I'm not inclined toward the various playing 'crippled' challenges e,g, beating the dragon with leather and wood (no enchantments or potions).]

If you've never done it before, finding a slime chunk 'honestly' can be a challenge (although it primarily takes time). [​If you've doen this once, once is enough.]

Not an early game build (usually), but a passive mob spawner is something one doesn;t see too much.

If playing before 1.14, a complete set of librarians is something of an achievement.
12/11/2023 6:32 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
great ideas thanks
