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Wynncraft Trickster Guide

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MaximusPrime23's Avatar MaximusPrime23
Level 40 : Master Technomancer Procrastinator
So, for the upcoming Wynncraft Rekindled World, where the mobs are WAY stronger, I did a guide for the End-Game assasin archetype.

Trickster is a archetype based on using clones to copy spells and increase damage and AoE that way. It also has healing abilities.

If you are unsure on which build to use you can use my cheap trickster build.

So anyway, Trickster does not have anything outside of clones, but the clones are way too strong.


Trickster is the only way you get healing as an assasin, its Delirious Gas+Diversion ability consists in throwing smoke bombs and slapping all mobs to get a small absorption boost.

This can be sustained by using healing potions, therefore being able to survive a few of The Nameless/Greg's hits. And that spreads to all the team, so a Lightbender along with a Trickster is the perfect healing duo.


There are multiple trickster entrances, such as 6-clone spin attack. But when you should enter?
When damage or AoE is needed, you kick in and use the entrance but repeated with at least 1 heal.

Here is a simple spell chain: Spin Attack -> Smoke Bomb+hit enemy -> Spin Attack


It is hard to progress as a trickster, the clones are totally useless before you get the Echo ability at level 50-70. Although, you can progress by spamming multihit and covering yourself with the clones, like the Wildfire's Shields.

Levels 1-20: Try to spam multihit and use vanish a lot, this is going to be Shadestepper but harder.
Levels 20-40: Learn to use your clones in quests and bosses, you have to know how to use them in order to be able to get beyond.
Levels 40-50: Get a few trickster weapons and Acrobat abilities, you can add Lacerate to your arsenal or just become fully acrobat,
Levels 50-70: Use your gained power by getting lots of mana regen and control the crowds, also become a healer if needed. This is the Trickster Mid-Game.
Levels 70-80: Make a few friends, they will help when grinding and making armor sets, also do dungeons a lot, Grind Nii runes at the Kander Forest.
Levels 80-90: Grind in the Freezing Heights and DO everything in Thanos because in there you can get some deadly armor. Make sure to do the Gert questline, and get an Alizarin.
Levels 90-100: Do the Silent Expanse and the Void, do lots of Corkus too. Lootrun for money to get your next end-game weapon. Do the Fallen Factory and Corrupted Dungeons, never touch the Sky Islands Tol Altar. Make sure to have secret discoveries, do TCC to learn it, because it will be a XP making method for you in the future.
Level 100-105: Grind the Witness Church, in a group because it is hard, have an Acrobat killing the eye at the top. Avoid the Scrapyard unless you want to help someone. Do all the Silverbull syndicate stuff. Get your end-game weapon, in those levels it's the time to shine for the Trickster.


Aim for mana regen, because trickster is a spell-based archetype. Spell Damage matters a lot. Also get mobility and get the TWA element combo so you can do TNA.

This is going to get updated once Rekindled World comes out.

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