This Blog is an entry in the completed "Minedeas 2" - Blog Contest #10.

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Playing God-How I would change Minecraft, for the better or worse.

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GoggleD0GG's Avatar GoggleD0GG
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Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer

For a game made out of pixels with no storyline, Minecraft is certainly addicting to play-until you use every block, beat the ender dragon three times, and have fifty beacons. Like all things, it can stale, and therefore needs a fresh supply of content released every few months. Disagree? You obviously never had to wait for 1.9. We rely on the Mojang team to deliver this content, and to fix any new problems that are already in the game. But what if we decided to play god and took complete control? What would the community do? What would I do? How much could the community suffer, and how much could they gain? Would I just make 'to serve the fans' updates over and over, never using any of my ideas? These are questions that I have asked myself since I started playing Minecraft, and, even if it's just in my head, if I had one day where I could change the game's general idea itself at will, I think that it's time to find out what would happen. (Here's some music to listen to while you read. I own nothing. )

Creation: when we envision game developers planning a new update to their game, we envision creation, not destruction. After all, what do we see in the final product? Do we notice what we're now without? Does the new make us forget that the old ever existed? If you've ever played a game that got updated whilst you were playing it, you know the answers to those questions. Removal of content is a necessity when updating a game, and I understand that. So, if I became god for a day, what would I remove? Nothing. Despite it being crucial, I wouldn't do it. I'd feel too much guilt, destroying what someone had spent hours or days or even months creating in mere seconds. Destruction can be a necessary evil at times, and this wouldn't be one of those times. It would certainly help the game, but not destroying some things certainly won't hurt the game.
So, you ask, if you won't remove anything, what will you create? You made a mistake by asking that. First topic to add to: exploration. For a world containing two hundred sixty-two quadrillion, one hundred and forty-four trillion blocks, there's not very much to explore. Found a mesa? Enough clay to last you a lifetime. Found a super-rare and extremely cool (no pun intended) ice spikes biome? Hope you brought a silk-touch pickaxe. Point is, you find a biome, you find a biome. Unless you found a ocean (not rare, but might have an ocean temple.), desert (still not rare, but you might find a desert temple), roofed forest (might take a bit to find, but are worth it if you find a mansion), mooshroom island (FOOD!), you aren't really rewarded when you find something new, and have little incentive to explore. All it would take is a slight bit more content.

Mesa-I would add a mesa exclusive structure, which would look something like this:

On the inside, there's a block of diamond out of your reach. The ceiling is low enough that you can't jump, and there's a pressure plate that you have to walk over. This will activate some tnt, which will explode before you can even reach the diamond (You have to mine through a few blocks to get to it.), dropping you into a pit of lava. Like the desert temple, it might kill you the first time, but after that you'll learn the safe route (instead of walking over the pressure plate you destroy it.).

Gateway-we already have a earth, we already have a moon, we already have a hell, now why not a heaven? Instead of floating islands in the sky, I envision a completely mob-free (still the peaceful ones, though), small land where you cannot hurt or be hurt. The dimension itself would be called The Freelands, with the portal being called a gateway. Talking about the portal, instead of being crafted, you would have a 1/10 chance of finding it in a End City. It would look like a end portal but with glowstone instead of end portal frames and solid white light instead of the dark, cold, hollow void one may find in a end portal. The dimension would have terrain constructed of glowstone and yellow-stained glass, with some gold and other various materials.

Playing God-How I would change Minecraft, for the better or worse.

What's it's purpose? To bring peace. There's no super-amazing boss battle, there's no amazing structures, there's just a small chunk of land. With the nether being completely hostile, the end containing a huge dragon, the overworld containing zombies and skeletons, I think that there needs to be somewhere peaceful, somewhere to escape reality. It would also switch you over to creative mode, allowing you to build freely. When you left The Freelands your inventory would be erased and replaced with everything you had before entering through the gateway. Outlandish, I know. And to make this change fit in slightly better, creative mode would be re-named Freelander mode.

Ocean- Alright, the oceans in minecraft kinda suck. I'd like to see coral, living fish, even sharks. Sharks could come in different varieties, spawning in at certain depths depending on what species they are. I'd add three just to keep things simple: Hammerhead, Tiger, and Reef. The Reef Shark would spawn in reefs and would be the weakest of them. The Hammerhead would spawn in the deeper areas of the ocean and be just as strong as the Tiger shark, and they spawn by the same code. The only problem would be with the coral, as plants in minecraft aren't supposed to exist in aquatic biomes. My solution: write a new codebase for aquatic plants. This would also allow seaweed to be added, which would be rather appreciated by the minecraft community. (Here's a video that sums this up perfectly: )

Skywalker- This'd be a whole new world type. It'd use the codebase of the aether, but altered slightly to make it more survival-friendly. For those of you who don't know about the scrapped aether, it was a dimension of floating islands in the sky.

Re-addition of the ruby. It should have armor and tools, as most ores do. The gear would be reddish-pink and be slightly better than gold and spawn twice as often.

In minecraft, you aren't alone. You have pigs to eat, cows to milk, wolves to tame, villagers to trade with, everything, it seems. This world must have been made for you. But with time you will find that, in reality, everything can and will kill you. It seems to be a cruel joke, becoming sentient and exploring the world just to find out that you have the same value as dirt to mother nature. Would I change that? No. I would just add to the list of things ready to hurt you, and add to the list of things that you can hurt.

Glitch 909- This would be a boss that you summon, like the wither. It would be built like a snow golem, but with endstone for the snow and a dragon head for the pumpkin. It would look like...well, a distorted...thing. By thing I mean mass of...glitch (that thing that shows up on your TV when it stops working.), with a dragon head floating in it. The only way to hurt it is to shoot the dragon head. Entering the glitch will put poison effect on you until you leave, but this poison can kill you. It's attacks are glitch beam and distort. Glitch beam will shoot a green-ish ray at the player, making them drop whatever they are holding and causing three hearts of damage. Distort will cause a error screen to show up on the player's screen and deal five hearts of damage. The boss itself would have 350 health. It drops the dragon head and fifteen diamonds. Does it make sense? No. Do glitches make sense? No. I wouldn't include it in the update log, and write the code to make it look like it's a bug.

Turtles- Do I have to explain this? They drop leather. And strange meat.

Grizzly Bears- In the minecraft files, 'bear' is a folder containing only the polar bear, making it seem as though the devlopment team plans to add more bears. It would have the same AI as the a polar bear, but would spawn in the forest biomes and would be brown. They would also drop beef instead of fish. Here's a video describing the concept of a grizzly bear (I set the link to start at the section where he talks about grizzly bears, if it doesn't work go to 1:49)

All hostile/netural mobs and villagers should drop strange meat. Can be cooked in a furnace. Raw strange meat gives you half a hunger point and a 10% chance at posioning. Cooked strange meat gives you three hunger points.

Alright, that was quick-ish. Now for some new blocks. There just 16x16 pixelated cubes, so this list can't be too long. Right? Wrong. I apologize, contest judges.

Sand Bricks-Crafted same as bricks but with sand. Looks the same as bricks, but with the color palette of sandstone. Also should have slabs and stairs.

Stones-Diorite stairs and slabs, granite stairs and slabs, you get the general concept.

Bricks-Forget about the current brick texture, forget about the new one that's coming soon: we need mixed bricks that aren't red and gray. Oh, and the glitch with texture that drives me completely insane. (You know what I'm talking about. There's a reason that I always cover the top of bricks with a stone slab.)

Living bush- We have a dead one. It must have been alive at some point, and that should be illustrated.

Thatch-Hay without the red.

Woods-Different wood should make different chest, different buttons, different pressure plates, different bookshelves, different beds, different everything. Oak wood shall vanish from the throne and stop singing Hail to the King by Avenged Sevenfold.

Slabs-I want to place my nether brick and oak wood slabs on top of each other without the oak wood levitating magically.

Carpet-You should be able to stack carpets instead of making them float.

Mob Heads-One for sheep, one for chickens, one for wolves-you get the idea.

Vertical slabs- As a builder that never posts anything building related to PMC, I can assure you that these guys are both wanted and needed.

Endstone bricks need some serious improvements. The color is absolulutely disgusting, and the texture reminds me of vomit.

Dark Stone Bricks- Normal stone bricks but darker, and they should have stairs and slabs.

Smooth diorite, smooth granite, all of the smooth stones need to be improved. It's really easy to see the edges of each block, making them bad for flooring, which is the only thing they're useful for.

Remember that blue rose from pocket edition? I want it to be added to Java.

Well, that turned out shorter than expected. Alright, only one more section after this. Miscellaneous stuff.

Coding language needs to be switched to C sharp.

For the bedrock engines: Goodbye community marketplace. I said that I wasn't going to destroy, but I don't play by the rules.
Complete annihilation of Windows 10 Edition.

Saddles need crafting recipes. Four leather and two iron.

Horse armor also could use crafting recipes. 6 of whatever material in the shape of a helmet with one in the center. Does it make sense? No. Would I add it that way? Yes. Why? Because I want to.

Cubic chunks (or whatever they're called, because apparently different people call them different things) to reduce lag slightly.

Infinite height limit. It wouldn't take too much RAM.

Better terrain. Maybe some intended waterfalls, logs lying on the ground, tree stumps, all that good stuff.

Re-addition of the far lands. Sure, they were never intended to exist, but I want them back. Maybe they could appear after you kill Glitch 909?

Super Secret Settings. I want them back too.

Gamerule mobGreifingHostile- Same as the mobGreifing gamerules we have now, but only effects hostile mobs.

You should be able to reinforce boats with more wood to make them more durable. With enough reinforcement they will be able to push blocks, making it possible to build a huge ship with cannons and chest and just leave out a block of flooring and put a boat in there.

Ocelots in real life spend a lot of time up in trees, so in Minecraft they should be able to climb them.

Blendstone Dust- Redstone dust and bone meal combined in a crafting bench. Camouflages itself to fit in with the blocks around it. Works the same as redstone.

/setBiome (biome) (coordinates) x (coordinates)- This command would change the biome in a specified area.

Thirst bar- Same as hunger bar, but with water drops instead of meat. Works the same as hunger bar, but with liquids (other than lava, of course.) A water bottle fills up three drops, and water bucket fills up five, and a milk bucket fills up four. Instead of killing you when it depletes, you will get a slight speed boost when it is full, making it not essential to drink, but preferable

In 1.9, a feature was added, and that feature was thumbnails for worlds. I got pretty excited about this, and was severely dissapointed. Why? It's insanely hard to get a thumbnail that looks good. Solution? Make it so that you can choose a image from your PC to be the thumbnail.

New easter egg: Enter a hardcore world and type "This is hard", and in chat it'd say "Git gud". Because why not.

/gamerule hitCooldown (tool) (cooldown) - This would allow you to change the cooldown on all things affected by 1.9. You could make it longer, or set it to zero and have no cooldown for that item.

Advancement names.

Change 'Advancement get!' to 'Advancement made!'
Glitch?- Advancement for killing Glitch 909.
Burn, Baby, Burn- New name for the advancement 'Hot Stuff'.
Survivor- Live through the first night.
HISS- Get killed by a creeper.
Repeating History- Die the same way ten times.
Call PETA!- Kill a animal.
Veganism- Eat something that didn't come from a animal.
Jumping Out of the Nest- Leave the biome you spawned in.
At Least She Died Happily- Kill a parrot with a cookie. This advancement only makes sense if parrots like cookies and I'm assuming they do.
Sneak Attack!- Kill a hostile mob without it noticing you. Ex: Getting a OP bow and shooting a creeper and getting a K.O.
Bork!- Tame a wolf (in honor of Gabe)
Nyan Kitty!- Tame a ocelot of each variety (Tuxedo, tabby, siamese).

Oh, and please either diamond and comment what you liked or give me some constructive criticism. Both are highly appreciated.

If I had the chance to play god for a day, that is what would happen. Humanity was meant to create, but also meant to have limitations. When these limits are removed, balance is lost. Think about killer bees. Remember that we created one of our own worst enemies. Remember the satisfaction of finishing a project, and you'll remember why we have limits. Having complete control over the world may seem awesome at first glance, but not at second. Living a life without being challenged isn't living a life. It's boring, having everything be so simple, even the things meant to challenge you. All want power, all but those who consider the consequence.

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10/23/2017 4:01 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Geek
PusheenFluffyPuff's Avatar
congrats on being a finalist! it deserved it :>
10/23/2017 5:02 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Thanks. Looking back I cringe so hard, the presentation is awful. THE IMAGES AREN'T EVEN DONE RIGHT XD!!! And the font isn't very good. Can't wait for the next blog contest so I can show that I've improved.
08/21/2017 6:44 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
I like it. but for the future, the text is unappealing and the presentation could use some work, I can't give you anymore advice, I've already said enough :P
08/21/2017 11:05 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Thanks for the advice.
08/15/2017 11:29 am
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
PyroCreative's Avatar
So do i like it
08/15/2017 11:31 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
I don't know. Do you?
08/15/2017 11:34 am
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
PyroCreative's Avatar
08/15/2017 11:36 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Glad ya liked it.
08/08/2017 2:55 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Submission period is closing up! Maybe I'll get finalist. That'd be cool.
07/31/2017 2:13 pm
Level 20 : Expert Miner
DIAMONDZ4ever's Avatar
I like it!
