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Planet Minecraft Interviews DreamWanderer!

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PMC's Avatar PMC
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview is with DreamWanderer conducted by Drzzter on behalf and in collaboration with PMC.
Want to nominate a member to be interviewed? Visit this thread!

Where did you first hear about Minecraft and why did you start playing it?

I first heard about Minecraft from a Youtube video of someone showing off their underground base. I had just recently got my very first computer all to myself for Christmas, and had heard a lot about the game from all the aimless browsing I did with my new present =D. I think I was drawn in by the world building, the adventure, and the challenge from the mobs. For some particular reason I specifically remember them showing the places in their mine where they blocked caves off, to keep the mobs out. Ah the old cobblestone textures, such nostalgia :,). The first thing I did was try the demo version which was available on the web page for Minecraft at the time. All tho it was a much limited Version of the game. I was hooked! I bought the game officially around the 1.2 update, or at least that was the earliest I can remember, and spent sometime just exploring all the terrain and blocks in this new vast game! I even found Dispensers such a exciting thing at the time of discovery. I was even frightened of Skeletons in creative mode, my first time playing, but I yet didn't know what "Creative mode" was XD.

How did you choose your username? Is there any meaning behind it?

Funny enough. My name actually came from a random username generator for another site, that I had pieced together and refined from the parts I liked
. All tho I think it is sort of fitting in a way. I always like to "wander" in my imagination and dreams, both awake, and asleep :) But more about this in the following question.

Your purple-scarved character is synonymous with your PMC presence, what's the story behind your mascot?

My mascot character began back in 2019 on another site, where I had been doing Roleplaying. Originally a bright orange Mlp pony OC I had came up with to use in my Roleplays. His name bearing the same as My current username here, and on that site. I came up with the color palette because I had wanted something brighter for a change. I always had the habit of making my Characters dark colors. I chose orange and white because I loved Orange cream Popsicles at the time, and purple being my favorite color. Fast forward a little, and I began to become more active on PMC again after a break. I decided to rebrand my account here as "DreamWanderer" to match my Sona. I would later convert my Character from a Mlp Pegasus, to a human OC, as you know it now. =D

You mention in your profile that you like playing other games too, what are they? Do they influence what you build?

Oh boy, yes
. Do they ever influence what I Build... or does what I build influence what I play?? XD. I have a few games, but among my most played, and relevant for my builds are "Farming Simulator 22", "American Truck Simulator", "Euro Truck Simulator 2", "Beamng drive" Among others is my most nostalgic pair of games "RollerCoaster Tycoon 2", And "StarWars Battlefront Classic 2005)

You've built an incredible number of highly-detailed, realistic vehicles in Minecraft over the past ten years -- what compelled you to get into this niche of building?

Thanks! =D. Honestly, I think it just runs in my blood. I grew up with my dad being a long haul truck driver, My brother has been both a mechanic and truck driver, my uncles and relatives have been mechanics and drivers. My grandfather used to be a dragline operator in a mine running a Manitowoc 4600 (but that had been before my time). But my first contact with vehicle builds in Minecraft had been from some of the biggest realistic city build servers several years back. I had built vehicles before even then tho, but nothing much serious.

Do you have a favorite build you've worked on? Which of your creations are you most proud of?

I have quite a few I could call my favorite, and have been really happy with how they turned out, but If I had to pick just one. It would have to be my Horseshoe Curve project I had collab built with Stubbs1 I had used it for my PC's wallpaper for some time. I think it still marks my largest ever build by size. There is something I would like to modify about it now, mostly want to change the train that is going around the curve with a different more diverse one with various cars, maybe a different view?. Planet Minecraft Interviews DreamWanderer!

What's the most difficult vehicle you've ever tried to recreate in Minecraft? What made it so hard to capture?

Hmmm. It may sound surprising, but some of the "simplest" looking vehicles end up being the hardest. I think It has to do with getting enough detail into it, to look convincing, and not just something with little effort put into it >.< My main bane at the moment happens to be aircraft with not a straight line or shape in sight, things can get tricky. I do admire those vehicle builders here who do aircraft, and can make them look so convincing! To track down a singular build, That I believe was my most difficult. I would have to say my Boeing 747 Planet Minecraft Interviews DreamWanderer!

Do you ever work on builds that never get past the "cutting room floor"? What happens to builds you don't feel are up to snuff?

I used to several years back, but now I have a working system for doing builds. I almost never not post a build, and will persist to work on it till It is done. I guess all the times my dad used to tell me "finish something before starting another" when I was little has finally payed off
Tho If there is a build I truly can not get the hang of, I will usually just bypass it, and move on to something else, to come back to it later

How do you decide what to build next? You never seem to run out of ideas!

This is a great question! I mentioned in my last answer that I have a "working system for builds" While it may be a bit complicated, It works for me
So. First things first. My build begins with an idea. I draw my ideas from many sources, whether It Be another game like Farming Simulator, or other sources. I also will notice some cool looking trucks or equipment in Real life, as I pass them by on the road while driving, or some other place. But among my main sources for builds Is "Auction websites" like "Truckpaper", "Machinery Trader", and "Tractorhouse" where I will search for equipment for sale. These places act as dual purpose for me. I will both find new build ideas, and being a place with vehicles listed for sale, the Seller will most likely provide lots of pictures of the vehicle they are selling, which gives me all the reference images I need, My main focus is to get a picture of each side of the vehicle (Front, right side, left side, rear) and any other parts I may need to see closer up. The next step in this process is to add them to my "Build queue" folder where I keep all my ideas. The way this system works. Is I set the folder on my PC to "Sort by date created, with the newest created images on top, and oldest on the bottom". I will download the reference images for my new build idea, and paste them into this folder, where they will appear ontop. With that done, at the same time I will be starting on my new build. Which I will highlight and cut from the bottom most build of the folder (those being the oldest ones on the list) and paste them into a separate folder for my "Active builds". Thus I insure that each and every one of the builds I add to my list gets done in a orderly fashion, without me skipping over any. (Here below you will see a example of my "Build queue" folder as it is at the time of writing this) Planet Minecraft Interviews DreamWanderer!

It's clear by now that you've defined your own distinctive build style. Are there any other builders who inspired you along the way?

In my long journey of building, and learning new techniques, I have drawn from a few sources both here on PMC and elsewhere. At some point or another several years ago when I first began vehicle building, most Vehicle builders have influenced me in some way or another. I would look to see how they where building things, and then I would incorporate the ideas I liked most into my own "Fusion" of building. But I would have to say I was most influenced/inspired by Captain_JEK. But now that I have my own style. I begin to grow on it without any outside sources :)

Speaking of distinctive styles, what would you say distinguishes your builds from other contemporaries? Are there any tricks or techniques you feel are uniquely "you"?

I would have to say my most distinguishing feature in a build is the scale in which I build in. I tend to build all my vehicles in a much larger scale then you see other builders doing. I have found that this slightly larger scale allows me to fit so much more detail into a build, and more room to make each vehicle distinguishable from one another (especially if they are similar but not exactly the same). My most unique build technique I would have to reckon is the fact that I like to do my builds from top down, which to some people seems counter intuitive, but I always want to make sure I get the main part of the build right, before anything else.

At the time of writing, you have a whopping 902 (WOW!) submissions posted to PMC. How on Earth do you keep track of them all?

I mostly do so by memory =0 Or by consulting/ searching my own profile on here >.< XD. I also have my own Vehicles world where I store my vehicles in "Parking lots" sorted out by their respective category (which is still a work in progress as I speak) But I still have my old world which is very similar but much less organized.

Do you have any tips or tricks you'd give to people wanting to get into vehicle building?

My biggest advice to any new vehicle builders is not to allow yourself to become Overwhelmed, or discouraged with a build :) It is easy to look at a build no matter the size, and say "How am I ever going to do all this" I have done it before myself. But I have found it much easier to break the build down into "pieces" and work on perfecting each part/section one by one. For example: When building a farm tractor I will focus in on building the cab, and will do only that, disregarding the rest of the machine, to that part is finished, only then will I move onto the next part

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Of all the questions. I think this is the toughest one of them all. I do not know where life my lead me in these next ten years, but if all goes according to plan. I hope to have a house of my own, and maybe even a little bit of property to farm. I like to image I will still be here building, and playing Minecraft XD But who really knows what lies in the future?

Favorite music genre? Do you have a favorite song?

Among the music Genres on my Spotify is Country, Classic Rock, Bluegrass, Classic pop, and various classic hits of all genres. But I think the one that stands out the most is my love of "Folk music" and music revolving around the American Civil War which I like to read and study about the most.
But among some of my favorite contemporary artists is "Eric Church", "Morgan Wallen", and "Thomas Rhett" One of my favorite songs of "Eric Churches"

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have two cats, and two cockatiels. Well they are technically my family's Parents, but they live in the house with me

Favorite color?

Cyan or light blue. I just love the calming look of the color =D

Favorite foods? (waffles or pancakes?)

I could make an entire book out of this XD. But among the two you listed is Pancakes with chocolate chips! My top favorite foods has to be "Swedish Meatballs with pasta" and "Peanut Butter ramen and chicken, with vegetables" Its a dish in which you make ramen noodles, and make a sauce out of Peanut butter, sweet chili sauce, soy sauce, and brown sugar, and mix it with your ramen and vegetables, chicken, and noodles. A lot of people seem to disagree with me on it, but It is quite tasty, and you can find recipes for it online. I recommend this one if you want to try it =D

What are you reading currently?

So I may or may not also be know for my collection of History books =o. I like to mostly read about American Civil War Generals, but I am currently mixing it up by reading a book Titled "Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan" A biography of the Japanese emperor who reigned during WW2, which I had decided to get a book on after another book I had read titled "Judgment at Tokyo: World War II on Trial and the Making of Modern Asia"

You mentioned you like to garden, what kind of plants do you keep?

I currently manage a garden of about 1,200 sqft'. In it. I like to grow my main crops of Potatoes, and sweet corn. Among others I grow peas, pumpkins, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, sometimes peppers, sunflowers, lettuce, and carrots, and any other crops I may feel need to grow year to year.

Is there anything you'd like to add?

I want to thank Cyprezz, and all staff of PMC for creating and managing a site in which I can call my virtual home, and a place to share all my creations and interests, and also to all those who interact with me here and on discord! =D

This interview was with DreamWanderer conducted by Drzzter on behalf and in collaboration with PMC.
Want to nominate a member to be interviewed? Visit this thread!
CreditInterview by Drzzter

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06/24/2024 9:18 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus uwu
ICanGamez's Avatar
Woah pmc brought back interviews? nice!

amazing Dreamwanderer got interviewed :D
06/22/2024 8:49 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
angelhot41's Avatar
06/18/2024 11:30 am
Level 30 : Artisan Cookie Chef
MistFaller's Avatar
PMC still does these?
06/16/2024 12:52 pm
He/Him • Level 18 : Journeyman Sus Sus
Sus_Sus_3-point-0's Avatar
06/15/2024 5:11 am
Level 43 : Master Architect
YourFriend0918's Avatar
Love to see one of my favourite creators interviewed
06/15/2024 4:56 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Procrastinator Cookie
sniffercraft34's Avatar
I like interviews!
06/15/2024 1:57 am
Level 85 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
McMeddon's Avatar
PMC interviews are back? HECK YEA
06/14/2024 3:29 pm
They/Them • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
That was such a good read! Think Imma go make some spicy peanut butter noodles :P
06/14/2024 1:29 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Lumberjack Lumberjack
Feriach's Avatar
Ah yes, my favourite vehicle person :D
06/14/2024 1:10 pm
He/Him • Level 86 : Elite Pegasus
DreamWanderer's Avatar
Thanks so much for this. Was fun answering the questions =D
