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Markus_INCs Wordpainter-manual.

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Markus_INC's Avatar Markus_INC
Level 37 : Artisan Pyro
I got asked by a friend to write a manual for worldpainter as none of us really knew how to use it, and there were so many youtube videos to watch that it became sort of difficult to really summarise what to do. I hadn't really used it up until then but now that I've used it some more I've compiled a manual on how I personally use it, using my limited experience and a few youtube tutorials.

I don't really know how interested people on here would be in it but since I've already written it and sent it around to a couple of people, I don't see any reason to not publish it here as well.

I will keep writing when I find new bits of info that can be of use, so keep checking in on it to keep up-to-date.


What I recommend doing is creating your own folder where you can store trees, bushes and rocks, another folder for terrains, another folder with the layers, and finally your own document where you write down what notes you think are most important. My document is more of a baseline, something as inspiration and learning, but when you learn how to use worldpainter yourself, and more importantly what settings and tools work for your kind of world, then you can write your own text in your own words to make things easier. I have already created a copy of this document myself, where I cut bits out that I feel I don't need, and reorganised the order of the chapters and rewritten things in a more compact text that I still find easy to understand.

Two things to keep in mind is that this document was originally for me and 2 friends, meaning that it may be missing some parts that you'd like to learn about. Secondly, this document isn't finished at all, some changes will occur and some chapters are just not there or are virtually empty as of now.

It's also worth noting that since this document isn't so much a cover-all type of manual, but rather a set of instructions for how I want to create my own terrains, it is mostly geared towards making the types of environments that I would want myself. The manual is still useful for others, I would argue, but if you're planning on making a purple planet or a tropical paradise-island then maybe play with some of the settings, because I make primarily earthly tundra and northern biomes and the default numbers and blocks used in the manual reflect that.

Anyone is free to come with their own inputs. If you can come with a youtube tutorial as well, that's even better!
CreditLordDakr, Alpine1, Lentebriesje,

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