Andretti and General Motors find new ally in Ford as F1 pursuit continues

Jamie Woodhouse
A close-up shot Michael Andretti at the 2024 Miami Grand Prix

Can Andretti-GM make it onto the Formula 1 grid?

General Motors has the support of fellow American automotive giant Ford, which wants to see the Andretti-GM union join them in Formula 1.

Andretti is pushing on with efforts to muscle their way onto the Formula 1 grid, working with the backing of GM which has plans to become a Formula 1 power unit manufacturer, though Formula One Management put a major roadblock in the way by rejecting their bid to become the 11th team.

Ford want Andretti-GM in Formula 1

The series is already set to gain an American automotive powerhouse, as Ford will link-up with the newly-established Red Bull Powertrains for the new F1 2026 power units, but they would also like to see Andretti and GM in the paddock.

In conversation with the Associated Press, Ford Performance global director Mark Rushbrook spoke in support of Andretti-GM and their push to join the F1 grid, while teasing that the GM power unit would not have to be Andretti-exclusive.

“We go racing to compete against other manufacturers, and there’s already a lot of manufacturers in Formula 1, but we’d certainly love to welcome General Motors into the sport,” said Rushbrook.

“They have that ability to come in as a power unit manufacturer independent of any specific team, they could partner with any of the existing 10 teams.

“So we welcome them, for sure. And same for Andretti. We certainly don’t have anything against Andretti.”

Can Andretti find a route onto F1 grid?

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Andretti took a further hit recently when FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem – previously a vocal advocate of expanding the F1 grid – pivoted to suggest that Andretti buys an existing team, while also suggesting that the current $200 million anti-dilution entry fee should rise to $600m.

However, Andretti are pressing on with their preparations to join the F1 grid – which has included the opening of a new Silverstone base and signing former F1 chief technical officer Pat Symonds – Michael Andretti claiming that their commitment alongside GM will “rival Ferrari and Mercedes” in size.

Asked by Speed City Broadcasting whether GM are still fully behind and excited for this F1 project with Andretti, Michael replied: “Very. Very committed, very excited.

“People will not understand until we show them the effort that’s been put in on both sides.

“This is going to be rival with the Ferraris and the Mercedes, you know, the effort that’s being put in with such a great company like GM.”

2026 is Andretti-GM’s targeted year of arrival on the F1 grid.

Read next: Andretti reminder issued with current teams accused of ‘greed’ over 11th team block