Twitter Tips

Tips on retweeting, hashtags, and tons more on Twitter
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 · Last updated 5y
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a man holding a cell phone in front of a whiteboard with numbers on it
Twitter Increased the Character Count to 280, but is it Better than 140?
Twitter allows up to 280 characters, but will maxing out the limit lead to more engagement as opposed to sticking to 140?
a person standing in front of a wall filled with pictures
Will Adding Emojis to Tweets Lead to More Impressions and Engagement?
Some say adding emojis to your tweets can lead to more impressions and higher engagements on Twitter. Is this myth or fact?
a man pointing to a twitter logo
1-5 Hashtags on Twitter: Which Gets More Impressions?
We know Twitter hashtags can lead to more discovery and new followers, but is there a magic number to get optimal Impressions?
an info sheet with different types of boats in it
Jeff Bullas Case Study: Tweeting Evergreen Content on a Massive Scale!
Jeff Bullas Infographic
a cartoon character reading a book in front of a whiteboard with the words jeff bulls case study on it
Jeff Bullas Case Study: Tweeting Evergreen Content on a Massive Scale!
Jeff Bullas has figured out a formula for posting evergreen content every day on Twitter on auto-pilot! We'll show you his results.
a pile of papers with the words twitterr adult on it and an image of a chart
5 Keys toward Creating a Killer Twitter Audit
Twitter audit
a person looking through a magnifying glass with the words twitter explore
What You Need to Know About The Twitter Explore Tab
Twitter explore tab
a man sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of him and the words twitter competition
How to Spy on Your Twitter Competition
twitter competition
the words twitterr trending topics are flying out of a top hat
Easy Ideas to Turn Twitter Trending Topics into Gold
Taking advantage of Twitter trending topics, when implemented correctly, can be a great boost for your Twitter marketing ROI. We'll show you how.
a man holding a microphone with the words should i use emojs on twitter?
Should I Use Emojis on Twitter When I Post for My Brand?
emojis on Twitter
a bird is singing to another bird on a branch with music notes in the background
How Can Twitter Analytics Tell You If Your Tweets Stink?
How can you tell if your tweets stink? Check your Twitter analytics!
a twitter ad with the words, why aren't you using the new twitter customer service
Why Aren't You Using the New Twitter Customer Service Features?
Why aren't you using the new Twitter customer service features?
people are using their phones to use hashs on twitter and other social media platforms
How to Use Hashtags on Twitter/X
How to use hashtags on Twitter.
a woman sitting at a desk with the words what's wrong with sending automated tweets?
What's Wrong With Sending Automated Tweets?
What's wrong with sending automated tweets?
a person holding a phone with the text a surefire way to verify your twitter account
A Surefire Way to Get Verified on Twitter
A surefire way to get verified on Twitter