Win a life-sized Doomhammer replica

Update: We've had loads of awesome entries - we'll post some when the compo's over. Blizzard have asked us if we'd extend the deadline, however - you now have until 10 Dec to get your rhymes in.

Don't you just hate it when you run squealing to the Christmas tree on December the 25th only to tearfully discover that not a single one of your relatives has bought you the life-sized fantasy weapon replica you had been very visibly, audibly coveting at every opportunity? Well, now you can avert this terrible calamity by obtaining one for yourself - and, thanks to Blizzard's generosity, all for free! Find out how after the jump.

Courtesy of Blizzard, we have this fine replica of the Doomhammer, as wielded by a succession of mighty orc chieftans, to give away. It is, as you can see by the visual reference of this disembodied hand, a fair size. The disembodied hand is not included in the prize. You must supply your own disembodied hands if you want them.

If you desire to wield it yourself, you're going to have to channel your powers of rhythm and rhyme. We want you to pen the opening verse of MC Doomhammer's super hit single "Anduin Lothar Can't Touch This (Unless I Hit Him With It)". Once you've assembled your lyrics, email them to with the subject line Doomhammertime . We'll give you until 10 December to get your vocabs in order.

Here are a few more close-ups to inspire your poetry.


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