Grab a free Steam key for Megabyte Punch, 100,000 available

Team Reptile's Megabyte Punch is a quirky beat 'em where players build their own fighters. Facing off against AI opponents, in versus mode against mates, or in four-player co-op, you're tasked with defending the Heartcore of your village from the dreaded Valk Empire and its Khoteps subordinates. Across six "unique electro-worlds" with boss fights inclusive, you'll unearth up to 150 components for customisation, and can also compete in tournaments to ascertain rare parts.    

Does that sound appealing? Now's your chance to get involved as Bundle Stars is giving away 100,000 Steam keys for Megabyte Punch in today's sweepsteak. To enter, simply follow the instructions outlined in the widget below.

To mark the occasion, Bundle Stars is offering a —enter the voucher SPRING10 to make your saving. Team Reptile's Lethal League is also part of the sale, and is subject to a 70 percent discount.

Good luck!

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