Which franchises are getting better, which are getting worse? The PC Gamer poll results


Last week we asked you , our faithful readers, a simple question. From a selection of 20 of the most prominent PC franchises, which are getting better, and which are getting worse? We've compiled the results of almost 22,000 unique responses below.

The raw data

(Click to make it big, unless you have Lieutenant Commander Data eyes.)

Getting better - Most votes

The five franchises with the most votes for "Getting Better" (all lists in descending order) were The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Team Fortress, Total War, and Civilization.

Getting better - Fewest votes

The five franchises with the fewest votes for "Getting Better" were Command & Conquer, Call of Duty/Modern Warfare, Dragon Age, World of Warcraft, and Splinter Cell.

Getting worse - Most votes

The five franchises with the most votes for "Getting Worse" were Call of Duty/Modern Warfare, Dragon Age, Diablo, World of Warcraft, and Mass Effect.

Getting worse - Fewest votes

The five franchises with the fewest votes for "Getting Worse" were Total War, Team Fortress, Civilization, Fallout, and Starcraft.

What you were most opinionated about

The five franchises with the most total votes one way or the other were The Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty/Modern Warfare, Battlefield, Diablo, and Mass Effect.

What you were least opinionated about

The five franchises with the fewest votes one way or the other were SimCity, Hitman, Splinter Cell, Counter-Strike, and The Sims.

Other interesting facts

  • There were a total of 101840 boxes ticked for "Getting Better," or roughly 4.7 per voter.
  • There were a total of 120415 boxes ticked for "Getting Worse," or roughly 5.5 per voter.
  • Overall, that makes about 17% more votes for "Getting Worse" than "Getting Better.

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