The PC Gamer UK podcast returns: Hitman, The Division, Devil Daggers

Hitman cutlass

PC Gamer UK returns to the fallow fields of Poddington-on-Cast. It’s an idyllic place, and, as the days stretch on and the hot takes bloom, the team wonder if they’ve finally found peace. Alas, a cutlass is no substitute for a scythe, especially when thrown at a head with unerring accuracy. The screaming of skulls distracts from the toil of manual agriculture. And what’s with all the seeping, toxic gas? As if that all wasn’t enough, it turns out the money’s gone bad

You can get Episode 1: Tom Clancy's The Podcast here. You can also subscribe on iTunes or keep up with new releases using our RSS feed.

Games discussed: Tom Clancy’s The Division, Hitman, Stardew Valley, Devil Daggers, No Man’s Sky.

This week’s podcasters: Samuel Roberts, Tom Senior, Phil Savage, Andy Kelly

Expect a new episode every Monday, unless something goes horribly (or even mildly) wrong. Apologies for the fact that, this week, Phil sounds distant, as if speaking from an ethereal realm or nearby hallway. We’ll sort that out for next week’s show.

Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Get in touch at, and use the subject line “Podcast”, or tweet us via the links above.

Intro music this week is the Deus Ex theme. What will Andy decide to use next time? Tune in to find out.


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