The PC Gamer Show: Valve movies and the wonders of GDC

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Welcome back to The PC Gamer Show, our weekly livestreamed podcast. You can catch the show live on Tuesdays at 1 pm PDT on our Twitch channel, or after the fact at any of the links below. Important change: The show will be switching from Tuesdays to Wednesdays starting next week, same time though!

It's GDC this week, so we've got special guest Andy SchatzFounder of Pocketwatch Games, developer of Monaco—joining us on the show to give us an early look at Pocketwatch's upcoming game, Tooth and Tail.

We'll also be talking about the recent news that JJ Abrams is working on Half-Life and Portal movies, what we're excited to see at GDC, and lots more—including a Catfantastic quiz and our usual Twitch chat Q&A.

This week's topics: 

  1. What we've been playing recently.
  2. JJ Abrams has confirmed he is currently working on movies for Portal and Half-Life.
  3. We talk about what we're looking forward to at GDC this week.
  4. A "helpful" Catfantastic quiz!
  5. We play Tooth and Tail with (and against) Andy!
  6. We take your questions from Twitch chat.
  7. So many moles....


You can listen to it directly in the Podtrac player above, or...

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Watch it on YouTube: Part 1 (discussion), Part 2 (Tooth and Tail demo) (or in the embeds below)

Last week's episode

Your flapping heads for this episode:

Tom Marks
James Davenport
Special Guest: Andy Schatz - Founder of Pocketwatch Games


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.