Romero and Carmack's Blackroom Kickstarter cancelled to develop demo

 Four days after launch, for John Romero and Adrian Carmack's Blackroom has been cancelled, or 'paused'. The downtime will be used to develop a demo for "the kind of gameplay, look and innovative, cool features that make Blackroom truly unique—the things we've waited years to put into an FPS".

It's probably a good call. Kickstarter campaigns do their best business in their opening and closing days, but Blackroom had raised only $131,000 of its $700,000 target. With a playable demo, Night Work Games will be in with a much better shot when it returns. Our Evan was certainly excited by the prospect of with the game's premise.

There's explaining the move in more detail. To allay any fears, they add, "we will, of course, honor backer achievements in the next campaign (and an extra something for those of you who continue to support us in the next campaign)."