PC Gamer US Podcast #338 - The Gawking Dead

Last week we recorded a pre-holiday episode, left for our traditional four day gaming/food binges, and have just now recovered enough to post it. Logan, Evan, Tyler, T.J., and Omri discuss what they'll be playing and why, agree to disagree, then violently re-disagree about which PlanetSide 2 faction is best, wonder if cannibalism is really so bad, and challenge the extreme praise for The Walking Dead—it's good, but has the hyperbole become excessive? Is it really the most emotional experience gaming has given us?

All that and more in... PC Gamer Podcast 338: The Gawking Dead

Have a question, comment, complaint, or observation? Leave a voicemail: 1-877-404-1337 ext. 724 or email the MP3 to pcgamerpodcast@gmail.com.

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@logandecker (Logan Decker)

@ELahti (Evan Lahti)

@tyler_wilde (Tyler Wilde)

@omripetitte (Omri Petitte)

@AsaTJ (T.J. Hafer)

@belsaas (Erik Belsaas, podcast producer)


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