PC Gamer UK September issue - Dragon Age 2


PC Gamer 217 is now loitering on the shelves of a newsagent, petrol station, or supermarket near you. Go forth! Buy it! Try not to talk to anyone on the way there! Don't get in any strange cars! And in case it's too dangerous to go alone, take this handy guide to the best of the mag.

Our cover story is Dragon Age 2 - flip to page 46 for eight pages of screens, interviews, and puns. The forthcoming sequel to Bioware's 94% scoring RPG spans a decade of your character's life, giving plenty of time for the stories of your party members to develop without having to cram it into the epilogue. The combat has also been turbocharged. There's no more preparing to prepare to begin to prepare to attack - when you punch your most powerful skill, some punk gets an arrow in his neck yesterday .

Then, after a short ad for this very website (is your rather generous testimonial on there?), we've got four pages of Space Marine , Relic's new third person shooter set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, for your eager perusal. It starts with a soul-stirring quote from the Space Marine Codex (shut up, the Codex Astartes is great) and ends with a dev from Relic laughing off the monumental challenge of squaring up to the likes of Killzone and Gears of War. Relic, like the Space Marines, know no fear. Unlike the Space Marines, their fingers are small enough to use a keyboard.

There's plenty more where that came from. As well as our first look at Portal 2 and Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online , our Civilization 5 hands-on and new details on Elemental: War of Magic , we've reviewed Transformers: War for Cybertron, Flotilla, Sniper: Ghost Warrior, Sam & Max Episode 3, the new Total War DLC, Lego Harry Potter, and Tropico 3 , to name a few. We bring you up to speed on the latest Red Orchestra update, teach you which ArmA 2 mods to install, and take a fond look back at Portal .

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