PC Gamer UK Podcast archive

Hello, friends of PC Gamer. Each month our brave writers put their voices where their mouths are and record the PC Gamer Podcast, just for you. This is their archive, where podcasts both old and older are stored. This way, when the nuclear bombs go off, future generations will still have entertainment.

If you've missed an episode or have just joined us and want to check out old editions, they're all linked below.

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Episode 38 - Karma Minds

Tim, Tom, Graham and Craig discuss all the juicy Fallout: New Vegas details, the surprising joys of Supreme Commander 2, the endless betrayal in Neptune's Pride, invading Paris in Napoleon Total War, and who they're sleeping with in Mass Effect 2.

Left click this link to listen OR right click it, then "save target as" to download to your computer.

Episode 37 - Daddy Sense

Tim, Tom, Graham and Rich talk about our BioShock 2 review, lying in Ruse, capturing goblins in Wurm, mainlining dungeons in WoW, and enveloping other ships in Captain Forever.

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Episode 36 - Merry Festivus

Tim, Tom, Craig and John talk Star Trek Online, Just Cause 2, Deus Ex, The Longest Journey and what's wrong with the PC.

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Episode 35 - No Heartbeat

Tim, Tom, Graham and John talk about why APB is exciting, the joys of Torchlight, the flaws of Modern Warfare 2, and the MMORPG where you can dig tunnels.

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Episode 34 - Komodo Dragon Age

Tim, Tom, John and special guest star and former Edge drone Martin Davies discuss our Dragon Age review, whether Left 4 Dead 1 has stood the test of time, why you should play Borderlands, the world's worst spider bites, and of course Modern Warfare 2.

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Episode 33 - Chaos Rising

Mafia 2 is going to be amazing, Champions Online has gone a bit wrong, Cataclysm has a secret you can see from space, Majesty 2 is hilarious and Section 8 is great. Oh yeah, and there's a new Dawn of War 2 expansion. See www.pcgamer.co.uk for more.

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Episode 32

Tim, Tom and Graham reveal Napoleon: Total War, talk up Batman: Arkham Asylum's strengths and problems, compare notes on Brink, rave about their time playing Diablo 3, and discuss Starcraft 2, WoW Cataclysm, and the TF2 update. Phew.

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Episode 31

Tim, Tom, Graham and freelancer John Walker record their longest podcast ever. In the process, they discuss C&C4, why you should build your own PC, answer your Twitter questions and completely forget to discuss Spore Galactic Adventures.

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Episode 30

Tim, Craig and John discuss The Old Republic, All Points Bulletin, and Edmund McMillen, as well as answering this month's crop of questions from Twitter. Despite being a man down, they made it our longest podcast ever.

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Episode 29

Ross, Tim, Tom and Craig discuss the Team Fortress 2 Spy Vs Sniper update, tanks and motorbikes in World of Warcraft, juicy zombie murder in Killing Floor, the story emphasis of Left 4 Dead 2, and answer Twitter questions about what makes us moist.

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Episode 28

Ross, Tim, Tom and Craig speak of Starcraft 2, ArmA II, Spelunky, Left 4 Dead Survival Mode, World of Warcraft antics, PC Gamer's big redesign, and, as ever, answer everything directed at the PC Gamer Twitter account: www.twitter.com/PC_Gamer

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Episode 27

Ross, Tim, Tom and Craig: 1) Discuss what 2K showed Tom of BioShock 2. 2) Spill all on what Plants Vs Zombies is like to play. 3) Strongly suggest that Ross doesn't want to 'do' your mum.

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Episode 26

Ross returns from his mysterious absence, and Steve Williams joins us. We talk FM Live, games and beards.

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Episode 25

No-one knows what happened in this episode - like a tortoise in the mist, it is lost.

You can still download it though.

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Episode 24 - Admiral Failure & General Vague

The team discuss admirable failures, Admiral Failure, and General Vague.

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Episode 23

In our longest podcast ever, Tim Edwards, Tom Francis, Craig Pearson and racist funnyman Steve Williams talk the evils of Prince of Persia, the joys of GTAIV's video editor, what got cut from World of Goo, and what Valve could call a Left 4 Dead sequel.

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Episode 22

With Tim Edwards, Craig Pearson, Graham Smith, John Walker.

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Episode 21

With Ross, Tom, Craig and John. Without the calming influence of Tim Edwards, discussion veers drunkenly to Fallout 3, World of Goo and the overall benefits of drinking from irradiated toilets.

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Episode 20

With Ross Atherton, Tim Edwards, Craig Pearson and John Walker.

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Episode 19 - Gentleman's Relish

Tim doesn't know what it is, Ross does, and at some point we talk about games.

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Showdown Podcast

Tales from the wonderful PC Gamer Showdown, a live event where we met you, did a gameshow, and many free Darwinians were had.

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PC Gamer Podcast: Top 100 Rant Spectacular

We discuss our picks for the Top 100, and the reasons for the order we chose, in a much more civil fashion than we did when coming up with it.

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Episode 18

What we're most excited about from E3, what's going on with the Reader's Top 100, and an end to the numbering madness - which is why there's no Episode 17.

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Episode 16

We have a special guest in the studio this month in Kristen Salvatore, Editor of PC Gamer in the US. She's joined by Ross, Tim and Tom to discuss special relationships, editorial titles, Operation Flashpoint 2, and, occasionally, matters of import.

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Episode 15

Special note: the podcast has been enhanced with pictures and links. We know the extras work with iTunes and iPods; but we can't guarantee the images will appear on other mp3 players. Sorry. Feel free to say we suck.

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Episode 14

With no Tim this month, disaster is only narrowly averted by Ross, Graham, Tom and Craig as they babble about today's PC gaming. Including our exclusive look at Empire: Total War, cliches and things that don't suck.

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Episode 13

It's a bit sweary this month - sorry about that. i don't know what came over us. Perhaps we were filled with manly excitement about Dawn of War 2 - because that's what our new issue is about. Raaaarrrghh! Fuck! See?

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Episode 12

Like a giant green diamond, dominating the skyline, the Sims 3 is here. And we've seen it. Learn what EA have planned for Sims fans, and how Tim has taken inspiration from the Sims for new ways to seduce his girlfriend.

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Episode 11

Stalker: Clear Sky is clearly a beautiful game, but we have one question. Why so many gas-masks? Is it a fetish thing? Or is it something else? We also have exclusive Team Fortress 2 news, an important question about a Pyro, and, as usual, the latest charts.

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Episode 10

It's Craig's birthday this week. Rather than offer up a song, congratulations and a prize for surviving another year, we've instead subjected him to a pop gaming quiz. PC Games are also discussed.

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Episode 9

It's Christmas! Woo! Cue extended discussion of famous Christmas bits in games, how brilliant snow is, and what we're going to be playing in 2008. Also news of Actiblizzardard, Deus Ex 3, and, err, bones.

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Episode 8

We have an important question: with limited resources and little time between now and Christmas you have a choice between two games: Crysis or Unreal Tournament 3. Which to choose? Graham and Tom provide answers, and they involve punching chickens into orbit.

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Episode 7

Beards are brilliant. Luxurious. Warming. Tender. Most of the PC Gamer team are thinking of growing facial fungus to protect against the cooling winter. That, and other important issues of the day are discussed in new episode.

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Episode 6

Oh god. You really don't want to know what Tom's favourite Sea Song is. This month, we answer some really important questions of the day. Like how tired are you allowed to be at work? What's better: Team Fortress 2 or Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. And does paint count as clothing?

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Episode 5

This month Ross, Tim and Tom are joined by Jon Hicks, master of Windows magazines, and Microsoft apologist. We'll be discussing camel pr0n, chart toppers, the Anasazi, and some PC Games. Do have a listen, and let us know what you think here or on our forums.

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Episode 4

This month Ross, Tim, Tom and Craig tackle the really important issues of the day. Like whether we could take the PC Gamer US writers in a wrestling match. And what's our favourite Belgiam ale.

Also discussed: Bioshock, the forthcoming Leipzig Games Connection, the disappointment of E3 and some PC games. Make sure to let us know what you think in the forums or in the thread below.

Left click this link to listen OR right click it, then "save target as" to download to your computer.

Episode 3

This month Ross, Tom, John and Kieron tackle the important issues of the day. Like who has the best nuclear fallout shelter. And whether you can really have enough snow.

Also discussed: Battlefield theme tunes, censorship, and some PC games. Make sure to let us know what you think in the forums or in the thread below.

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Episode 2

This month Ross, Tim, Craig and Tom are joined by wandering troubadour Al Bickham, who's suddenly discovered the magical powers of the banjo. We're so sorry.

Also discussed: Nazi cosplayers, eating dog, zero-g clowns and some PC games. Make sure to let us know what you think.

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Episode 1

Ross, Tim, world famous freelancer Kieron Gillen and not-at-all famous freelancer John Walker continue to work out those second episode kinks.

Also discussed: The week's charts, World of Warcraft, Stalker, not The Sims, Supreme Commander, topless former PC Gamer writers and Ross's mum.

Left click this link to listen OR right click it, then "save target as" to download to your computer.

Episode 0 (Pilot)

This month Ross, Tim, Tom and world famous freelancer Jim Rossignol work out those first episode kinks.

Also discussed: The Sims zeitgeist, their favourite seasons, hardcore drugs, Battlestar Galactica spoilers and the upcoming Warhammer 40K massively multiplayer game.

Left click this link to listen OR right click it, then "save target as" to download to your computer.


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.