PC Gamer UK Podcast 48: Our Top 100 picks

Samuel, Tom and Phil take a break from compiling the PC Gamer Top 100 to talk about their personal selections for the PC Gamer Top 100. Our 100% accurate annual list of the best PC games is almost here again, and in this episode we reveal a sample of the games we voted for.

Will your favourite games grace the finished list? Will Dragon Age 2 be in 94th position for the second year running? Can anything unseat last year’s victor, The Witcher 3? Those questions will be answered on July 27, when the Top 100 is published in issue 308 of PC Gamer UK magazine.

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Discussed: Videogames

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The PC Gamer UK Podcast is a weekly podcast about PC gaming. Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Tweet us , or email letters@pcgamer.com.

This week’s music is from Wolfenstein: The New Order.

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