PC Gamer UK Podcast 46: Dirt 4, Prey

Samuel and Phil gather – sans Andy – to discuss the latest PC gaming delights, from Dirt 4 and Prey to… er… Anachronox, for some reason. Can Dirt 4 satisfy both simulation and arcade racing fans? Would Prey have benefited from being a few hours shorter? And is Anachronox worth playing, or indeed worth talking about? All this, and we're asked whether DLC is actually bad (spoiler: no).

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Discussed: Dirt 4, Prey, Anachronox

This week: ,

Show notes: I can’t remember what we were going to link to in the show notes. Just Google it, I guess.

The PC Gamer UK Podcast is a weekly podcast about PC gaming. Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Tweet us , or email letters@pcgamer.com.

This week’s music is from Anachronox.

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