PC Gamer UK Podcast 45: Tokyo 42, Rime, Vanquish

This week, the PC Gamer team discusses a plethora of smaller games, from Tokyo 42 to Rime. One might call it a smorgasbord. Not us, though – partly because it’s a rubbish metaphor, but mostly because we doubt Little Nightmares would be appetising. Also, we discuss what games we’d smush together into a much better game, and inevitably Dragon Age 2 is mentioned.

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Discussed: Tokyo 42, Danger Zone, Perception, Rime, Vanquish 

This week: , ,

The PC Gamer UK Podcast is a weekly podcast about PC gaming. Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Tweet us .

This week’s music is from What Remains of Edith Finch.

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