PC Gamer UK Podcast 029: Game of the Year nominations

Slam the breaks on that time truck, because we’re not ready to leave 2016 just yet. First, as is our sacred duty, we must anoint the best games of the year. We’ll be announcing PC Gamer’s official Good Games of 2016 Awards in the upcoming issue 300. For now, Samuel, Phil and Chris run through their personal nominations. From XCOM 2 to Dishonored 2, with a little stop for yet more Hitman.

You can get Episode 29: That happened, and was a thing here. You can also subscribe on iTunes or keep up with new releases using our RSS feed.

Games Discussed: XCOM 2, Civ VI, Darkest Dungeon, Hitman, Oxenfree, Stellaris, Forza Horizon 3, DOOM, Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2.

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The PC Gamer UK Podcast is a weekly podcast about PC gaming. Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Get in touch at pcgamer@futurenet.com and use the subject line “Podcast”, or tweet us via the links above.

This week’s music is from Civilization VI.

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