PC Gamer UK June issue: Civilization – Beyond Earth

Discovery... Hope... The future . That's what you'll find in the new issue of PC Gamer UK. Admittedly nothing quite as grandiose as the future of humanity. Instead, we're taking a look at the future of Firaxis, and their recently announced Alpha Centauri successor Civilization: Beyond Earth . Tom Senior journeyed into the unknown, becoming the first person outside the studio to try the sci-fi 4X strategy. You can read his hands-on report exclusively in this issue .

Also in this issue, Andy talks to David Braben about Elite: Dangerous and the return of the space sim, and Chris Schilling takes a look at the new kings of comedy gaming. That's not all. This month, we're giving away two free gifts: a New Player Pack for Warframe, and a light recon tank for War Thunder . The issue, which is in shops now, can be ordered through My Favourite Magazines . Digitally, you'll find it on the App Store , Google Play , and Zinio , and you can subscribe to get issues delivered directly to your door. Read on for a look at the subs cover, and a round-up of the features in issue 266.

This month we...

  • Go hands-on with Civilization: Beyond Earth

  • Talk space with David Braben

  • Preview Soma, EVE Valkyrie, Hyper Light Drifter, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Concursion, Landmark and Transformers: Universe

  • Talk to the developers working to make games funny again

  • Review The Elder Scrolls Online, Age of Wonders 3, Goat Simulator, Dark Souls 2, Warlock 2: The Exiled, Ether One, Reaper of Souls, Deus Ex: The Fall, Betrayer, Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD, Storm of Vengeance, Smite, Trials Fusion, Burial at Sea: Episode 2

  • Alpha-judge NomNom Galaxy, Running With Rifles, Godus, Melody's Escape and Carmageddon: Reincarnation

  • Supertest sub-£100 motherboards

  • Review micro-PCs and gaming laptops

  • Return to FTL for the Advanced Edition update

  • Offer a defence of Mass Effect's Mako in Reinstall

  • Watch gods fall in Tom's Dominions 4 diary

All that, and so much more. See you next month!


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