PC Gamer ShootMania Launch Cup: week three. Watch the livestream from 7pm GMT tonight

We're now into the third week of the PC Gamer ShootMania Launch Cup and things are getting tense. Last week saw an almighty upset for early favourites Team Dignitas, leaving them one loss away from being disqualified. Meanwhile, Team Infused have surely become one of the strongest contenders following their showing against Lemondogs - making this week's Infused vs fnatic bout one of the most anticipated matches of the tournament. You can watch that match, and a livestream of the other top matches tonight right here from 7pm GMT. It should be a fun old time, as the teams battle to stay in contention for the grand finale next week - not to mention the £800 prize pot.

Be sure to check out the standings , to see how the fixtures have panned out so far, and which matches lie ahead.

As always, we'll have expert commentary courtesy of Ziggy “nVc” Orzeszek and David “Zaccubus” Treacy from Team Dignitas. Hit the jump to see the feed below.


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