PC Gamer Podcast #359 - Marinated in Voxels

This week, we bid hello to a new direction for MMOs as Tyler regales us with voxely tales of Everquest Next from SOE Live... and we bid farewell to intern Jake Godin on his very last podcast. Plus, what's a PC gamer to do when the dreaded Gaming Funk makes everything in your Steam library sound like watching paint dry? All this, our playlist, and more on...

PC Gamer Podcast 359 - Marinated in Voxels

@elahti (Evan Lahti)

@tyler_wilde (Tyler Wilde)

@demiurge (Cory Banks)

@AsaTJ (T.J. Hafer)

@JakeGodin (Jake Godin)

@belsaas (Erik Belsaas, podcast producer)


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