Gioteck offer £500k "dream job" to winners of their Design Challenge 2013

Peripheral maker Gioteck have launched their Gioteck Design Challenge 2013, offering participants the chance to a win a "dream job" worth up to £500,000, as well as a trip to Hong Kong and China.

The challenge, quite simply, is to design the ultimate gaming peripheral. Giotek Creative Director Andy Green says, "we believe the next pioneering idea will come from a gamer and we are looking for a unique idea that pushes the boundaries of what is considered achievable in the current market"

The top 12 ideas and concepts will be shortlisted to compete via a "Dragon's Den" style pitch in front of top games industry figures.

The winner will have the chance to put their design into mass production, work with Gioteck on a year long apprenticeship and see the production facilities first hand. They'll also earn royalties up to a maximum of £500,000 if the product is successful.

To enter, register at the Gioteck Design Challenge 2013 site. Entrants have until March 15th to submit their designs.


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