Fortnite's missing Durr Burger mascot found in the middle of the desert

Update 03: Twitter user A2K K1Lo also visited the burger site, and took a picture of the opposite side of the card which has a phone number listed. Upon calling the number, I heard a garbled version of the sound that plays when an object disappears through a rift, as has been happening nearly every day this week. See the image and listen to the audio above. 

Update 02: Members of esports/entertainment group DooM Clan visited the Durr Burger in person and livestreamed their journey. Once there, they tweeted that a person at the burger site handed them a business card. It's not clear what the card is in reference to, or if it's real to begin with, but I wouldn't think they'd fake it after driving into the desert to see a burger with a face. 

Source: Sela Shiloni on Twitter

Source: Sela Shiloni on Twitter

Update 01: Shiloni posted another video of the scene, this one with a sign warning passersby about a nearby anomaly. Watch it below.  

Original story: Photographer Sela Shiloni was scouting locations for an upcoming photoshoot in the Palmdale, California area when he ran across this big greasy boy in the middle of nowhere. Shiloni isn't game savvy, so imagine his surprise to find a massive hamburger with bulging eyes with no one else around for miles. Accompanying the burger was a police car and sign reading "This site is unstable. Beware of possible effects."

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Durr Burger's mascot went missing from Fortnite shortly after a rocket launch went wrong and cracked the sky over the island. The crack has been spreading since the launch, with several signs disappearing through small rifts all over the map in the lead up to Fortnite Season 5. If the physical Durr Burger is legit (and we'd be surprised if it wasn't) Epic is either planning their own photo or videoshoot, or someone just happened to stumble onto part of an ARG that's yet to begin. 

Some players suspect that Durr Burger's new home in the desert indicates we'll be getting a new desert map, while others think it's just part of the marketing leading to Season 5 discovered a bit too early. Me? All I know is that now I'm craving a burger. 

Credit to Reddit user Jupigorg for the early spot. 

James Davenport

James is stuck in an endless loop, playing the Dark Souls games on repeat until Elden Ring and Silksong set him free. He's a truffle pig for indie horror and weird FPS games too, seeking out games that actively hurt to play. Otherwise he's wandering Austin, identifying mushrooms and doodling grackles.