E3 2014 is almost here, stay with us for all the latest PC news

LA is on standby and our global team of writers are limbering up in preparation for the loudest industry event in the calendar. E3 is back, and we'll be covering every announcement, day and night, to bring you the very latest breaking PC news and our thoughts on the show as it progresses.

It all starts with the conferences. Join us for Microsoft's event at 9:30AM PDT / 12:30PM EDT / 5:30PM BST. That's followed by EA's event at 12PM PDT / 3PM EDT / 8PM BST and Ubisoft at 3PM PDT / 6PM EDT / 11PM BST. Sony's conference concludes proceedings at 6PM PDT / 9PM EDT / 2AM BST.

We've already seen a teaser for the new Mirror's Edge , and there are posters everywhere for Assassin's Creed: Unity , Batman: Arkham Knight , The Witcher 3 and Evolve . Will EA serve up any surprise offerings? Will Mikami's Dark Souls/Demon's Souls follow-up get an airing at Sony's show? We don't know for sure, but you can read our predictions for E3 2014 here .

Throughout the week Sam Roberts, Evan Lahti and Wes Fenlon will be at E3, bringing you hands-on impressions and previews of the most exciting games on the show floor. Back at our basecamps in Bath, UK and San Francisco, we'll be bringing you more news and reaction. You can keep up with everything by following our E3 2014 tag page . Each day, we'll also be posting round-ups of the news so everyone can stop by and discuss the conference in our shiny new comments system .

It should be an interesting week. What would you like to see announced at this year's E3?


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.