Bundle Stars 7-day Epic Loot Giveaway kicks off with an HTC Vive

In celebration of seven-day Epic Loot event and the latest event, we've partnered with the digital distributor in giving away a host of big PC gaming-related prizes over the coming days. 

For the next four days, a new part of the Epic Loot Giveaway will be unveiled. And you'll have a chance to submit a daily entry to the competition to improve your chances of winning. 

On Tuesday, September 26th, one winner will be selected at random to receive one of everything on offer. There will also be a handful of runners-up prizes up for grabs.

Worth $600, today's Day 1 prize reveal is an HTC Vive virtual reality headset—which you can read about in greater detail over here.

Follow the instructions in the widget below for your chance to win, and be sure to check back each day for the next prize in turn. 

Good luck! 

And before you go, you might be interested in Bundle Stars' latest BundleFest grouping, the , which includes the likes of Tropico 5, Styx: Master of Shadows, and the complete S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy—over $300 worth of Steam keys all in for a pretty incredible price.

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