​Bethesda confirms it's game over for Prey 2

Prey 2

By Nick Broughall

Bad news for anyone on the hunt for Prey 2, the sequel to the Cherokee-starring sci-fi shooter from Human Head Studios. Bethesda vice president Pete Hines has confirmed that the game has been canned.

Talking to CNet at PAX AUS, Hines confirmed that since its announcement in 2011, the game hadn’t developed to a point they were happy with, so they made the tough decision to put it out of its misery.

"It wasn't up to our quality standard and we decided to cancel it. It's no longer in development,” Hines said. The project's demise probably won't come as a shock to fans, who will have noticed the company’s lack of communication on the game in the past couple of years.

But the good news is that Hines refused to rule out a future return for the franchise, claiming that it is still a brand Bethesda wants to do something with. “We just need to see what that something is,” he said.


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